Vivaldi, Antonio (1678 - 1741)

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS FOA 27, cc. 41r-52r, identificativo: TO0265_FOA_2. Caption title „ Cantata Prima / in lode di S.A.S. Ill.o Prencipe Filippo d'Amrmistat [!] Govern:e di Man:a: etc. Del Vivaldi.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS GIORDANO 32, cc. 167r-177v, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_32. Caption title: “Motetto ogni tempo à Canto solo con Istrom:ti Del Vivaldi”.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS GIORDANO 32, cc. 159r-166v, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_32.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS GIORDANO 32, cc. 150r-158v, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_32. Caption title „Motetto Del Vivaldi per La Sig:a Geltruda”.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS GIORDANO 32, cc. 220r-242v, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_32. Caption title „Confitebor à 3 Alto, Tenore, e Basso con Istrom:ti Del Vivaldi”.

The source of “Concerto per Violoncello” in C major RV 398, is the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, volume FOA 29, f. 112r- 117v.

The sources of Concerti per Fagotto are the autographs of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265: 1) Concerto RV 472, volume FOA 32, cc. 86r-93v; 2) Concerto RV 486, volume FOA 32, cc. 326r- 323r.

The sources of Concerti per Violoncello are the autographs of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265: 1) Concerto RV 400, volume FOA 29, cc. 41r-46v; 2) Concerto RV 409, volume FOA 29, cc. 126r-133v.

Source of Concerto RV 103 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 31 (p. 228r-234r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to del Vivaldi“. The new version 2.0 presents a new editorial format and corrects two errors in the bassoon part: mov. 1, measure 195, the eighth note is G (not F); mov. 3, measure 48, the beamed eighth notes are D and Bflat (not C and A).

The main source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in F major [RV 488] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume FOA 32, f. 142r-151v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto Del Vivaldi”. It has been consulted the transcription by G. F Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1956.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS FOA 27, cc. 62r-93r, identifier: TO0265_ FOA_27. Caption title: „La Gloria / Himeneo”.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS FOA 27, cc. 95r-145v. Cover page: Serenata à 3 / 2 Canti, e Tenore / con Istrom:ti, Corni dà Caccia, et Oboè / e Fagotto / Del Vivaldi / Pour Monsieur Le Mar: du Toureil / Personaggi / Eurilla, Nice, et Alcindo Pastori“. The “Parte Seconda” begins at page 124r.

The source is the autograph of the score Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, MS FOA 27, cc. 95r-145v. Cover page: Serenata à 3 / 2 Canti, e Tenore / con Istrom:ti, Corni dà Caccia, et Oboè / e Fagotto / Del Vivaldi / Pour Monsieur Le Mar: du Toureil / Personaggi / Eurilla, Nice, et Alcindo Pastori“.

The source is the manuscript of the score BNU_20741, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, (probable copyist Giovanni Battista Vivaldi). Cover page: „ La Sena / Parte Seconda / Ouvertur“. The Serenata [RV 693] was dedicated to the King of France and had its first representation in Venezia on November 4, 1726.

The source is the manuscript of the score BNU_20741, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Cover page: „Parte Prima / La Sena Festeggiante / Serenata à 3 Voci / con Istrom.ti / Poesia Del Sig.r Lalli / Musica / del Sig.r D. Antonio Vivaldi Maestro di Capella / Di S.A.S. Il Sig.r Filippo Langravio / D'Hassia d'Armistath (sic) etc. etc. / Sinfonia“. The Serenata [RV 693] was dedicated to the King of France and had its first representation in Venezia on November 4, 1726.

The source of this edition 3.0 of the Concerto RV 574 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_31. The second and third movements have many differences from the version arranged by Pisendel (see version 2.0 already published). In particular, some solos of the third movement have been crossed out by the author, but they are legible and therefore I have transcribed them with suitable warnings. In addition, Pisendel's version contains a principal violin solo which does not exist in the autograph and which has not been transcribed in this edition. Any other suggestions from the editor are in parentheses.

The source of the “Concerto di Parigi” RV 114 is the transcription by G: F. Malipiero, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1982.The source of the Concerto RV 390 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino: identifier: TO0265_FOA_31. I consulted the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1953. The Ricordi edition is an arrangement by Malipiero very close to the original. I attempted to publish the original version in four parts. All sources are almost flawless. The string parts in bass clef were transcribed in violin clef. All other suggestions of the editor are in parentheses. In cover there is a copy of the first page of Concerto RV 390.

The source of “Concerto” in G minor RV 531 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria – Torino - IT-TO0265, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_35 (cc. 259r- 278r). Title: ”Con:to con 2 Violon:li Del Vivaldi”.

Source of “Beatus Vir” RV 597 is the autograph manuscript of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino IT-TO0265, MS FOA 40. Caption title: “Beatus Vir / in due Cori a 8 / Del Vivaldi”.

The sources of two “Concerti di Parigi” are autographs of the scores, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265: 1) Concerto di Parigi n. 8 in D minor [RV 127], identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_30; 2) Concerto di Parigi n. 10 in D major [RV 121], identifier: TO0265_FOA_30.

The sources of four “Concerti di Parigi” are autographs of the scores, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265: 1) Concerto di Parigi n. 4 in F major [RV 136], identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_30; 2) Concerto di Parigi n. 7 in A major [RV 160]; identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_30; 3) Concerto di Parigi n. 9 in B-flat major [RV 164], identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_30; 4) Concerto di Parigi n. 11 in G major [RV150], identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_29.

Source of “Dixit Dominus” RV 594 is the autograph manuscript of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino IT-TO0265, MS GIORDANO 35. Caption title: “Dixit / in due Cori / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 554 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 255r-276v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to p[er] Viol[in]o Organo et Hautbois / ò pure 2 Violini et Hautbois / del Vivaldi “, and, lower side: “Vio[loncel]lo Questo Bas: Volendo cambiare l’Oboè in Violoncello”. The version 2.1, published in collaboration with Heinz Waldmann, interprets Vivaldi's instructions to copyists and is therefore more suitable for practical performance.

The source of “Concerto” in C minor RV 119 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265; Segnatura: MS GIORDANO 30. I have also consulted the transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1973. The source of “Concerto” in G minor RV 156 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265; Segnatura: MS GIORDANO 29. I have also consulted the transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1970.

The main source of “Sinfonia” in G major RV 147 is the manuscript of parts, Lund, (Lund, (S-L), Saml.Engelhart 266, RISM ID no.: 190003455. I have also consulted an incomplete source of an arrangement for strings and winds, Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl). The main source of “Sinfonia” in B minor RV 168 is the manuscript of parts, Lund, (Lund, (S-L), Saml. Engelhart 514, RISM ID no.: 190003454. I have also consulted the transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1971, which however uses a different source, with some variants with respect to the Lund source.

The source of “Sinfonia” in B flat major is the manuscript of parts, Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)), Mus.2389- N-3, RISM ID no.: 212000114. The source of “Sinfonia” in C major is the manuscript of parts, Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)), Mus.2199-N-4, RISM ID no.: 212001521. The original instrumentation of all 'orchestral' works for strings and continuo without soli is in four parts - two violins, viola and bass. Wind parts and bass numbers added to the original score were not considered. The Symphony in C major has been attributed to Vivaldi by Jean-Pierre Demoulin, while previously it was attributed to Albinoni by M. Talbot.

The source of “Sinfonia” in E major is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino- IT-TO0265, identifier: TO0265_FOA_31. The source of “Concerto” in A major is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_30.

Source of “Laetatus sum” RV 827 is the manuscript of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus. 2973-D-36, RISM Id n. 212006095. Caption title: “Letatus a 4|o. Del Sig.|e Buranello”, misattributed to Galuppi by the copyist of Venezia Iseppo Baldan. The score was attributed to Vivaldi by Michael Talbot, "Yet another misattributed (and rediscovered) Vivaldi work in Dresden", in RISM Editorial Center, April 18, 2017.

The source of “Concerto per Hubois (!)” RV 453 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, Ms. FOA 32, cc. 368r-374v. Caption title: “C[oncer]to p[er] Hubois”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1975, was taken into consideration.

Source of “Dixit Dominus” RV 807 is the manuscript of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus. 2389-E-6, RISM Id n. 212009545. Caption title: “Dixit a 4:|o | Con Strumenti | Del Gig: Baldassar Galuppi, detto Buranello | Fatto per l' Ospedale delli Mendicanti. | 1745”, misattributed to Galuppi by the copyist of Venezia Iseppo Baldan. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The score was attributed to Vivaldi by Janice Stockigt and Michael Talbot, "Two More New Vivaldi Finds in Dresden", in Eighteenth-Century Music (2006), p.35-6. The source includes many mistakes, with the usual omission of slurs, accidentals and ornaments.

The source of Concerto in B flat major RV 163 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, Ms. Giordano 35, cc. 251r-254r. Caption title: “Conca Concerto del Vivaldi”. The transcription of A. Ephrikian, Ricordi, Milano 1957, was consulted.

The source of “Concerto” in F major is the ms of the score (copy by Giovanni Battista Vivaldi with autograph inscriptions) Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino IT-TO0265, Volume Giordano 31, cc. 353r-356v. Caption title: “Tempesta di Mare Conc[er]to Del S[ignor] D[on] Ant[oni]o Vivaldi”. The RV 98 concert is also referred as RV 570 (Peter Ryom, Vivaldi Werkverzeichnis).

The source of “Sinfonia” in G major is the autograph of the score (1740), Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) Mus.2389-O-4 (4) RISM ID no.: 212000113. The Sinfonia is part of a collection including: “Concerti con molti strumenti / Suonati dalle Figlie del Pio Ospitale della Pietà / avanti / Sua Altezza Reale / ... / Federico Christiano / Prencipe Reale di Polonia, et Elettorale di Sassonia ... / In Venezia nel’anno 1740”.

Source of Concerto in G major RV 575 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (cc. 134r- 150v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con:to con 2 Violini, e 2 Violon:li Del Vivaldi”. A second source considered is the transcription by A. Ephrikian, Ricordi, Milano, 1949.

The source of Psalm in G major “Domine ad adiuvandum” [RV 593] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, identifier: TO0265_GIORDANO_35, cc 18r-29r.

The source of „Concerto del Vivaldi” in F major RV 543 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria – Torino, volume Foa 32 cc. 232r-237r.

The source of „Concerto per Pisendel” in A major RV 340 is the holograph of the score, D-Dl, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB), Mus.2389-O-43, RISM ID no.: 212000183. Caption title: “Con:|t|o Del Viualdi [added later:] fatto p[er] M:[aest]|r|o Pisendel.

The source is the holograph of score of: “Cantata / in Lode di Monsignore da Bagni / Vescovo di Mantova [O mie porpore più belle”, RV 685, cc. 27r-32r, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, MS FOA 27, identifier: TO0265_FOA_27.

The source is the holograph of score and parts of: “Himno Sanctorum meritis a Canto solo con Istrom:ti Del Vivaldi”, RV 620, cc. 113r-125r; and “Himno / Deus tuorum militum / a 2 Alto e Tenore / Con Istrom:ti et Hautbois obligati / Del Vivaldi”, RV612, cc. 126r-144r, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, MS GIORDANO 35.

The source of Recitativo and Aria with “Concerto di Viole all’Inglese”, from “Juditha Triumphans” [RV 644], is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, IT-TO0265, MS FOA 28, cc. 283v-289r.

The source of “Cantata in Scena con Viola all’Inglese”, from the opera “L’incoronazione di Dario” [RV 719], is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, IT-TO0265, MS Giordano 38, cc. 214v-216v.

The sources of „Concerto per archi” in G minor RV 317, no. I of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, are: a) the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”; b) the transcription by Angelo Ephrikian, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1968.

The sources of „Concerto per archi” in D minor RV 244, no. II of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, are: a) the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”; b) the transcription by Angelo Ephrikian, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1968.

The main source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in F major [RV 485] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume GIORDANO 31, f. 38r-46v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto Del Vivaldi”. It has been consulted the transcription by G. F Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1951.

Source of Concerto in E flat major RV 515 is the holograph of the score, Fondo Foa, Volume 29 (f 29-39r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con:to con 2 Violini ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, edited by Ricordi, Milano, 1955, available on IMSLP, was also consulted.

The source of Sinfonia of the opera „Ottone in Villa“ [RV 729, 1713], is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, volume FOA 37. Caption title: “ Ottone in Villa / Atti tre, con Sinfonia / Musica di D. Ant.o Vivaldi”.

The main source of Concerto per Violino „La Caccia” in B-flat major RV 362, is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume GIORDANO 29, f. 245r-253r. Caption title: “Con[cer]to La Caccia / del Vivaldi”. The printed edition of Op.8 “Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’invenzione”, Amsterdam, Michel-Charles Le Cène, 1725, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, was also consulted, but this edition includes mistakes and is not respecting the original.

The sources of „Concerto per archi” in D major RV 124, no. III of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, are: a) the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”; b) the transcription by Angelo Ephrikian, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1968.

The source of the Aria “Zeffiretti che sussurrate” [RV 749.21 / Cat. Rinaldi Op. 312/11], from the opera “Ercole sul Termodonte” [RV 710, 1723], is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, MS FOA 28, f. 98r-102v.

The source of the Aria “Di due rai languire costante” [RV 749.4 / Cat. Rinaldi Op. 312/9] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, MS FOA 28, f. 104r-106v and 90r-91v.

The source of “Concerto” in G minor RV 154 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, MS GIORDANO 29, f. 279r-282v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”. The transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1960, has been taken into consideration.

The source of “Concerto” in F minor RV 143 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, MS GIORDANO 29, f. 126r-130r. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”. The transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1958, has been taken into consideration.

The main sources of „Concerto per Violino” in B flat major RV 379, no. V of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, are: a) the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”; b) the autograph manuscript of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, IT-TO0265, MS Giordano 30, f. 147r-157r. Other sources of separate parts, less accurate and with variants, are available at SLUB, Dresden.

The source of Concerto “Il Riposo per il S.S. Natale” RV 270, in E major, is the autograph manuscipt of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 88r-95r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Il Riposo Per il S.S Natale del Vivaldi / Con[cer]to: con tutti gli Istrom[en]ti sempre sordini“. Version 1.0 has been published on September 15, 2014. Version 1.1, with currently used clefs in score and parts, has been published on October, 29, 2018. Version 1.2, including other editorial improvements, has been published on October 29, 2020.

The main source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in E flat major [RV 483] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume FOA 32, f. 176v-183r. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto Del Vivaldi”. It has been consulted the transcription by G. F Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1957.

The source of „Concerto per Violino” in B major RV 361, no. VI of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, is the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”.

The source of „Concerto per Violino” in C major RV 173, no. IV of the collection of 6 concerts Opera 12, is the printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, 1729, F-Pn, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique, RISM ID no.: 990067213. Caption title: “Sei concerti [g, d, D (no vl princ.), C, B, B] a violino principale, violino primo e secondo, alto viola, organo e violoncello ... opera duodecima”. The edition by Angelo Ephrikian, Ricordi, Milano, 1968, has been consulted.

Source of “Nisi Dominus” RV 803 (1739) is the manuscript of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus.2973-D-39, RISM Id n. 212006305. Caption title: „ Nisi Dominus | à 3.voci | Sopr. Alt: eTen: | con Viola ed Org. | Partitura sola | del Sig.r Galuppi“, misattributed to Galuppi by the copyist of Venezia Iseppo Baldan. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The work has been attributed to Vivaldi by Michael Talbot: “Recovering Vivaldi's Lost Psalm", in Eighteenth Century Music, 2004, p.61-77.

The source of “Concerto per Violino” in E minor RV 278, is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume GIORDANO 35, f. 225r-239v.

The source of “Concerto per Violoncello” in F major RV 411, is the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, volume FOA 29, f. 219r-225r. The transcription of the score by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1956, available on IMSLP, has been consulted.

The source of Concerto per Violoncello in G minor RV 417, is the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, volume FOA 29, cc. 211r- 218r. The transcription of the score by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1956, available on IMSLP, has been consulted.

The source of the Viola d’Amore concert in A major RV 396, is the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, volume FOA 29, cc. 324r- 330v.

The source of Concerto in D minor for Viola d’amore [RV 394] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume Foa 29, 311r-318v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con Viola d’Amor / del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto in B flat major RV 525 is the holograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (cc. 190r-199r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con:to Del Vivaldi con 2 Violini ob[b]ligati”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, edited by Ricordi, Milano, 1952, available on IMSLP, was also consulted.

Source of Concerto in F major RV 410 is the holograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (cc. 247r-254v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con:to p[er] Viol:lo Solo / Del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, edited by Ricordi, Milano, 1956, available on IMSLP, was also consulted.

The reference source of Concerto in C major [RV 184] is a manuscript of the score, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus.2389-O-90, RISM ID no.: 212000126. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, published by Ricordi, Milan, 1959, was also consulted. The manuscript does not include instrumental indications, but extension and characteristic of the solo part suggest the destination of the concert to flauto traversiere or oboe (see Manfred Fechner, "Bemerkungen zu einigen Dresdner Vivaldi- Manuskripten: Fragen der Vivaldi- Pflege unter Pisendel, zur Datierung und Schreiberproblematik", Nuovi studi vivaldiani, 1988). The editor has omitted the Tutti measures in the flute/oboe part.

The source of Concerto in G minor RV 327] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume Foà 30, cc. 175r-186v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”.

The source of Concerto in B flat major [RV 529] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, MS GIORDANO 28, cc. 216r-225v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con due Violini ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi”. The printed edition by G. F. Malipiero (Ricordi, Milano, 1951) was also consulted.

The source of Concerto in C minor [RV 201] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, MS FOA 30, cc. 79r-90v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”.

The source of the Oratorio “Juditha triumphans” [RV 644] is a partly autograph manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume Foà 28, cc. 209r-302r.

The main source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in A minor is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume Giordano 35, cc. 305v-312v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto Del Vivaldi”. It has been consulted the transcription by G. F Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1951.

The source of Violin Concerto “Il Rosignuolo” RV335a is a manuscript of parts, Ms. Mus. 39, Ancona, Biblioteca comunale Luciano Benincasa (I- AN), RISM ID no.: 850012715. Caption title: “Concerto Detto il Rosignuolo, Composto | Dal Signor Don Antonio Vivaldi di Venezia”. For ornaments, accidentals and slurs the version transcribed by J. H. Roman (Stockholm, Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (S- Skma), Od-R, RISM ID no.: 190023857), was considered. The analysis of the different versions of this concerto is in: Michael Talbot, “Migrations of a Cuckoo and a Nightingale: Vivaldi’s Concerto RV 335 and a Reconsideration of RV 335a and RV ANH. 14”, Studi vivaldiani 16 (2016), pp. 53-86, 2016.

The main source of Concerto in D major “Grosso Mogul” [RV 208] is the holograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino – IT - TO0265, volume Giordano 29, cc. 167r-181r. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”. It has been consulted the transcription by G. F Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1988. Two cadenzas in first and last movements have been copied from the version published by P. Grattoni D’Arcano, Pizzicato Edizioni, Udine, 1986. The source of these cadenzas ia a manuscript available in Cividale del Friuli, Archivio Capitulare.

The source of Salve Regina in C minor RV 616 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 35 (cc. 145r - 162v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Salve Regina / Ad Alto Solo / Con Violini, e Flauti / e Traversier/ in due Cori / Del Vivaldi”.

The source of Psalm “Laudate pueri Dominum” [RV 600] is the holograph manuscript of the score, volume Giordano 33, cc. 186r-199r, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino.

The source of Concerto in F major “Il Ritiro” [RV 294a] is the printed edition of parts by J. Roger, Amsterdam, 1720. The concert is no. 4 of the collection “12 Concerti” Opera 7, available on IMSLP. The manuscript of the score transcribed by Pisendel has also been considered. Caption title: “Concerto. | [black ink:] co conc: e Basso | Partitura Sola | Del Sig.r Vivaldi | [incipit] {{brk}} [caption title, right side:] Il Ritiro. Del Sig. Viualdi”, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl)), Mus.2389-O-96, RISM ID no.: 212000168.

Source of Concerto in G major RV 414 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (cc. 101r-111r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Con[cer]to / P[er] Violoncello Del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1960, available on IMSLP, was also consulted.

The source of Concerto in D major RV 221, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Foà 29, cc. 93r-100r. Title on source: “Concerto P[er] Viol[in]o in Tromba”.

The main source of Concerto in F for Viola d’Amore RV 97 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (cc. 277r-291v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con:to con Vio:la d'Amor 2 Corni dà Caccia, e 2 Haubois Tutti Sordini e fagotto / Del Vivaldi“. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1956, available on IMSLP, was consulted.

The main source of Concerto in C for “2 Aubois” RV 534 is the partly holograph ms. of parts, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (cc. 65r-74r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to Con 2 Aubois Del Sig.r D. Ant.o Vivaldi “. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1949, available on IMSLP, was consulted.

The source of Trio in C major RV 82 and of Trio in G minor RV 85 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 40 (cc. 2r-9r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title of Trio RV 82: “ Trio P Leuto, Violino, e Basso Originale del Vivaldi”. Caption title of Trio RV 85 is: ”Trio P Leuto, Violino, e Basso N.o 5 Originale del Vivaldi / PS.C.V.: Conte Wrttby”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1949, has been consulted.

The source of Laudate Pueri in G major RV 601 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 33 (cc. 96r-114r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Laudate Pueri à Canto solo con Istrom[en]ti / Del Vivaldi”.

The source of Salve Regina in B minor RV 618 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 33 (cc. 14r-34r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Salve ad Alto Solo in 2 Cori / Del Vivaldi”.

The source of Concerto in B flat major RV 553 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 47r- 68v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Con 4 Violini ob[b]ligati Del Vivaldi”.

The main source of Concerto in E minor RV 281 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 31 (p. 154r-165v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi”. The bass figures are in a manuscript of basso continuo (incomplete), included in the main source.

The main source of Concert in C major RV 448 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 32 (p. 22r- 31v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Per Hautbois Del Sig.r D[on] Antonio Vivaldi”. It has also been consulted the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1955. This concert is related to RV 447.

The main source of Concerto in D major RV 511 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 8 (p. 234r-245r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con 2 Violini ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi”. It has also been consulted the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, published by Ricordi, Milano, 1950.

The source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in E minor RV 484 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, Tomo VIII, Ms. Giordano 31, cc. 10r-17v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero (G. Ricordi, Milano, 1949) has also been consulted.

The main source of Concerto in F major RV 286 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 30 (p. 12r-23v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] la Solennità di S. Lorenzo / Del Vivaldi”. The manuscript of parts (Violin I part lost) included in a collection with caption title “La Cetra. Concerti Consacrati alla Sacra Cesarea Cattolica Real Maesta di Carlo VI [...] l'anno 1728”, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna (A-Wn): Mus.Hs.15996, was consulted. This manuscript is not “La Cetra. Opera 9".There are a lot of different concertos in this copy and the RV 286 parts include some variants.

Source of Concerto in D minor RV 514 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 19r-28v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con 2 Violini ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1955, available on IMSLP, was consulted.

The main source of Concerto RV 343 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (p. 96r- 103v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con Violini d’accordatura diversa / Del Vivaldi”. A second source is the partbook of “Anna Maria della Pietà”, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, Venezia (I-Vc), Busta 55.1, A third source consulted was a manuscript of the score, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-112, RISM ID no.: 212000185.
The midi files are not available due to the different tuning of instruments.

The source of “Concerto per Fagotto” in G minor RV 496 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT- TO0265, Tomo VII, Ms. FOA 32, cc. 102r-109r. Caption title: “P[er] Ma[rchese] dè Morzin Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero (G. Ricordi, Milano, 1955) has also been consulted.

The source of “Concerto” in E minor RV 409 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, Tomo II, Ms. FOA 29, cc. 126r-133v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con Violon[cel]lo ob[b]ligato del Vivaldi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero (G. Ricordi, Milano, 1952) has also been consulted.

The source of “Concerto” in A major RV 350 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, Tomo III, Ms. FOA 30, cc. 24r-27v e 106r-113v. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”.

The source of “Sinfonia Concerto” in F major is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265,Tomo III, Ms. FOA 30, cc. 101r-105v. Caption title: “Sinf[oni]a Concerto del Vivaldi”. The transcription of G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1956, has been taken into consideration.

The source of “Concerto in 2 Cori” in F major RV 584, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Giordano 28, cc. 10r- 19v. Title on source: “Con[cer]to con 2 Violini e 2 Organi ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi.”.

The source of Concerto in B flat major RV 527, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Foà 29, cc. 1r-10v. Title on source: “Con[cer]to p[er] 2 Violini obbligati / Del Vivaldi”. The urtext transcription by G. F. Malipiero (Ricordi, Milano, 1955) was taken into consideration.

Source of Concerto in D major RV 564 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (cc. 151r- 169r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con:to con 2 violini e 2 Violon:li obligati Del Vivaldi”. A second source considered is the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1950.

Source of Concerto in D minor RV 566 is the autograph manuscript of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 32 (p. 50r-65v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino.

Source of Concerto in F major RV 412 is a not autograph manuscript of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (cc. 158r-165v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to / P[er] Violoncello Del Sig.r D[on] Ant[oni]o Vivaldi”.

The source of Concerto in G major RV 311, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Foà 29, cc. 87r-92r. Title on source: “Concerto p[er] Violino in Tromba Del Vivaldi”.

The source of Concerto in G major RV 545, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Foà 32, cc. 340r-347v. Title on source: “Concerto p[er] Oboe e Fagotto Del Vivaldi”.

The main source of Concerto in B flat major RV 502, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Foà 32, cc. 184r-192v. Title on source is: “Concerto p[er] [Gioseppino Biancardi] (deleted] o sia Fagotto Del Vivaldi”. A second source was taken into consideration: printed edition by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1957, available on IMSLP.

The main source of concert Il Proteo in F major RV 544, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Giordano 28, cc. 2r-9r. Title on source is: “Il Proteo o sia Il mondo al rovescio / Con:to con Violino e Violon:lo obbligati Del Vivaldi”. A second source was taken into consideration: printed edition by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1952, available on IMSLP.

The main source of the violin concert in B minor RV 387, is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca nazionale universitaria - Torino - IT-TO0265, volume Giordano 30, pp. 129r-138r. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi”. A second source was taken into consideration: printed edition by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano 1954, available on IMSLP. The concert is one of those dedicated to “Signora Anna Maria”.

Source of Concerto in A minor RV 418 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 237r-246v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to / P[er] Violoncello Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 157 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 30 (cc. 248r-254r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Mottetto RV 631 is the manuscript of the score, anonymous copyist, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino (Ms. Giordano 32, cc. 179r-188v).

The main source of the violin concert in D major RV 341, is the manuscript of the score, partly autograph, Dresden Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-57, RISM ID no.: 212000141. Title on source: “ Del Viualdi”. A second manuscript of separate parts was compared for first and third movements: Dresden Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-57a, RISM ID no.: 212000142.

Source of Concerto RV 783 is a manuscript of parts, Mus. 349/16, Landesbibliothek, Meklenburg-Verpommern Günther Uecker, Musikaliensammlung (D-SWl), Schwerin, DE, RISM ID no.: 240001502.

Source of Concerto RV 151 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 151r-154v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to alla Rustica Del Vivaldi”.

The source of the violin concert in D minor RV 240, is the manuscript of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-53, RISM ID no.: 212000152. Title on source: “ Del S. D. Antonio Viualdi”. The transcription by G. F. Malipiero, edited by Ricordi, Milan, 1969, Petrucci Music Library, was also consulted.

Source of Concerto in A minor RV 422 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 69r-76v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: Con[cer]to / P[er] Viol[oncel]lo obligato Del Vivaldi”.

The source of the violin concert in A major RV 341, is the manuscript of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-108, RISM ID no.: 212000184.

The source of the violin Sonata in C major, RV 2, is the autograph manuscript of the score, Mus.2389-R-10,1, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Rism Id no.: 212000031. Caption title: "Suonata à Solo facto p[er] Mo[nsieu]r Pisendel [at right margin:] Del Vivaldi”.

The main source of the violin concert B flat major RV 366, is the manuscript of separate parts, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Uni- versitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-121a, 121b, RISM ID no.: 212000194. For the “Violino principale” part the source was: “Il Libro di Anna Maria”, Biblioteca del Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, Venezia (I- Vc), Fondo Correr, Busta 55.1.

Source of Concerto RV 363 is a manuscript of separate parts, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) Mus.2389-O-73, RISM ID no.: 212000191. Caption title in Violino ripieno part: “Concerto o sia il Cornet[t]o da Posta”.

Source of Concerto RV 212a is the autograph of the score, Giordano, Volume 29 (p. 233R-244R), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Title on first page: “Con:to Del Vivaldi”. The title of this Concerto is in the version copied by Pisendel, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Uni- versitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-74, RISM ID no.: 212000137. Another source consulted is the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, F. I 136, published by Ricordi, Milano.

Source of Concerto RV 211 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 30 (p. 188R-201R), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Title on first page: “Con:to Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 313 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 190R-197R), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Title on first page: “Con:to con Violino in Tromba Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 558 is the ms. of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) Mus.2389-O-4 (1) RISM ID no.: 212000237. This Concerto is included in a collection of “Concerti con molti strumenti / Suonati dalle Figlie del Pio Ospitale della Pietà / avanti / Sua Altezza Reale / ... / Federico Christiano / Prencipe Reale di Polonia, et Elettorale di Sassonia ... / In Venezia nel’anno 1740”. Caption title: „ Concerto | con | Due Flauti | Due Tiorbe | Due Mandolini | Due Salmò | Due Violini in Tromba Marina | et un Violoncello“. At the beginning of the 1st movement the "Due Violini in Tromba Marina" are designated as "Due Trombe".

The main source of the violin Sonata in F major, RV 19, is the autograph manuscript of the score, Ré, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Rism Id no.: 840005349. Caption title: “Solo. | [black ink:] Violino e Basso. | Del Sig.r Vivaldi. | [Incipit] [first page] Sonata à Solo [per] Mr Pisendel del Vivaldi”. A second source is a later copy available in the same library: Mus.2389-R-6,2, RISM ID no.: 212003428.

Source of “Concerto” RV 260 is the autograph of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-101, RISM ID no.: 212000161. Caption title: “Con:to Del Vivaldi”. In the same library is available a manuscript of parts, consulted when the autograph pages are partly unreadable.

The main source of the violin Concerto in C major, RV 172, is the autograph manuscript of the score, Mus.2389-O-42, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Rism Id no.: 212000121. Caption title: “ fatto per M[aest]ro Pisendel [right side:] del Vivaldi”. A second source is the edition by Istituto Italiano Antonio Vivaldi, editor G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, 1960.

The main source of the violin concert in C major, RV 170, is the manuscript of the score, mfn N. 000652, Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, Venezia, Fondo Torrefranca Torr.Ms. A.20. A second source is the manuscript of the score Mus.2389-O- 75, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) (copyist Pisendel), Rism Id no.: 212000120.

The main source of the violin concert RV 358, no. 5 of the collection “La Cetra”, is the manuscript of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus.2389-O-114, RISM ID no.: 212000189. Caption title: “Concerto di Vivaldi”.
The main source, which is more respectful of Vivaldi's writing methods, has some significant variants with respect to the print edition, edited by Carlo le Cene, Amsterdam, Useful Dulci, Musik- och teaterbiblioteket, Stockholm. However, this second source is rather deteriorated and has some transcription errors. It was only used to complete the unreadable parts of the manuscript.

The main source of “Concerto per la Signora Anna Maria” RV 229 is a manuscript of the score (copyist: J. J. Quantz, Landmann, 1981), Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (DDl), Mus.2389-O-106, RISM ID no.: 212000148. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Del S: Anto Viualdi”.
The third movement of the concerto was later revised by Vivaldi (the score is located in Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Fondo Giordano, vol. 30, p. 375).
The second source used is the manuscript of the Violino principale part, Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, Venezia, which includes some variants of the first movement and the reworking of the third movement. Caption title of this second source: “3. Concerto Per Sig.ra Anna Maria”.

The main source of “Concerto per Pisendel” RV 237 is the autograph of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-46, RISM ID no.: 212000149. Caption title: “Con:to del Vivaldi fatto p[er] Ma[est]:ro Pisendel”. A second source is the urtext edition of the score by G. F. Malipiero, Ricordi, Milano, 1960.

Source of “Concerto per Pisendel” RV 205 is the autograph of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus.2389-O-123, RISM ID no.: 212000134. Caption title: “Con:to fatto per Ma[estr]o Pi[sendel] [right side:] Del Vivaldi”. The dedication to Pisendel was later added by Vivaldi.

Source of Concerto per Pisendel RV 340 is the autograph of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl) Mus.2389-O-43, RISM ID no.: 212000183. Caption title: “Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi fatto p[er] M[aes]ro Pisendel”.

Source of “Serenata in musica - Andromeda Liberata” is a manuscript of the score available at Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "B. Marcello", Venezia (Ms. Correr B.9.6., 1726 18 7bre).

The main source of Concerto RV 189 is the holograph manuscript of parts (violin I lost), dated 1728, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (A- Wn Mus.Hs. 15996/II-V), Wien. The “violino principale” part has been transcribed from a second ms. of parts, copyist Giovanni Battista Vivaldi, Mus.2389-O-66a, SLUB, Dresden. A third source is also online available: ms. of the score, copyist J. C. Seyfert, 1720-23, Mus.2389-O-66a, SLUB, Dresden.

The main source of Concerto RV 271 is the holograph manuscript of parts (violin I lost), dated 1728, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (A-Wn Mus.Hs. 15996/II-V), Wien. The violino concertante part was derived from the urtext edition of the score, Ricordi (P.R. 947), Milano, 1969, editor Gian Francesco Malipiero, based on the manuscript of the score, available at Fondo Giordano, Volume 29 (p. 372), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino.

Source of Concerto RV 110 is the urtext edition of the score, Ricordi (P.R. 725), Milano, 1970, editor Gian Francesco Malipiero, online available at IMSLP, Petrucci Music Library. The autograph ms. of the score is at Fondo Giordano, Volume 29 (p. 132r-135v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino

The source is a manuscript of the score, volume Giordano 36 (p. 140r – 146r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Baiazet / Atti tré, con Sinfonia / in principio, e Coro in fine. / Musica di Don Antonio Vivaldi“.

Source of motet “In turbato mare irato” RV 627 (1720-35) is the ms. of the score, partly autograph, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus. 2389-E-2, RISM Id n. 212000234. Caption title: „ Motetto à Canto Solo con Istromti Del Vivaldi”. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The score was published with the original clefs, and the parts with currently used clefs.

Source of motet “Sum in medio tempestatum” RV 632 (1720-35) is the ms. of the score, partly autograph, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus. 2389-E-1, RISM Id n. 212000235. Caption title: „ Motetto à Canto Solo con Istromti Del Vivaldi”. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The score was published with the original clefs, and the parts with currently used clefs.

Source of “Beatus vir” RV 795 is the ms. of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus.2973-D-32, RISM Id n. 212006307. Caption title: „Beatus Vir | a quattro Voci con Strumenti | del Sig.e Baldassar Galuppi, detto Buranello“, misattributed to Galuppi by the copyist of Venezia Iseppo Baldan. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The score was published with the original clefs, and the parts with currently used clefs.

The main source of Concerto RV 430 is a manuscript of the score (copyist C. Graupner), online available at Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Darmastadt (Mus ms. 411/1, RISM ID no. 450003286). A second source, available in the same library, is a modern transcription by Friedrich Noack, (Mus. ms. 1730). The basso continuo realization in the second movement was transcribed from this second source. Note that this concerto, sometimes tagged as 275a, is a rework with a different second movement of violin concerto RV 275. The first part is indicated as "Violino Principale o Traversa". In fact, in the two outer movements, the part does not contain chords and uses the extension d1-e3 (with one exception in Tutti of the first movement) and may have been written for the flute rather than for the violin.

Source of Concerto in F major, RV 568 is the ms. of the score, Mus.2389-O-47, SLUB, Dresden, RISM ID no.: 212000219. Caption title: „Concerto Con due Corni da Caccia, d[ue Ob]è, Fagotto, Violo, e Violo obligati etc del Sigr Vivaldi.”.

The source of Concerto RV 583 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 124r-193v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to in due Cori con Viol[in]o scordato / Del Vivaldi”.

The source of “Concerto per Mandolino” RV 425 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (p.112r-118v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] Mandolino / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 243 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (p. 35r-44v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to con Violino Senza Cantin / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto “Il Sospetto” RV 199 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 141r-150v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to Il Sospetto / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 505 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 30 (p. 228r-237r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to con due Violini obligati / Del Vivaldi”.

The source of “Concerto per 2 Mandolini” RV 532 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 28 (p. 104r-111v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] 2 Mandolini / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto in C major RV 557 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 32 (p. 255r- 267v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 508 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 29 (p. 246r-256v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con 2 Violini ob[b]ligati / Del Vivaldi”. The source is almost flawless, except that pages 255r and 255v are out of place. They should be placed after page 252v.

Source of Concerto RV 560 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 72r-82v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to con 2 Hautbois 2 Clarinet, e Istrom[en]ti Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 559 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 90r-103v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to con due Clarinet 2 Hautbois e Istrom[en]ti Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 569 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, Fondo Giordano, volume 31 (pp. 104r-132r). Caption title: “Con[cer]to 3° / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 541 is the autograph of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, Fondo Giordano, volume 28 (pp 120r-133r). Caption title, left side: “Con[cer]to à Viol[in]o et Org[an[o”, and, at center: “Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Sonata RV 820 is the ms. of the score copied by J. C. Pisendel, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus. 2-Q-6, RISM ID no.: 212002034. The Sonata was independently identified as a genuine Vivaldian work by F. M. Sardelli and J. Lupiáñez in 2014 and catalogued at the beginning of 2015 as RV 820. Caption title: “Sonata à Violino è Violoncello”. The last movement is unfinished.

Source of Concerto RV 92 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, volume 30 (pp. 41r-46r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to del Vivaldi“.

Source of recorder Concerto RV 442 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, volume 31 (pp. 347r- 352v.), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to à Flauto Solo / Del Vivaldi“. The string parts in bass clef were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible.

Source of Concerto in E minor RV 432 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 209r- 211v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universi- taria, Torino. Caption title: „ p. Flauto Trav[ersie]r del Vivaldi “. The second and third movements are missing. At place of the second movement there is the script “Grave Sopra il Libro”.

The main source of Sinfonia RV 146 is the ms. of the score, Mus.2389- N-2,3a, SLUB, Dresden, RISM ID no.: 212001693. Caption title: „Antonio Vivaldi”. A second ms., copied by Pisendel, Mus.2389-N-2,3b, SLUB, Dresden, RISM ID no.: 212001694, reports minimal variants, which have been included in this edition.

Source of Concerto RV 569 is the ms. of the score copied by Pisendel, Mus.2389-O-93, SLUB, Dresden, RISM ID no.: 212000221. Caption title: „Concerto a 2 Corn de Chass. 2 Hautb. Violino Conc. 2 Violini Fagotto. Violoncello | Viola e Basso del Sigre Vivaldi”.
The editor has transcribed the first draft of the manuscript, on which Pisendel included some variants. Some of them, in I and II movements, have not been transcribed.

Source of Sonata RV 84 is a ms. of parts, Mus.2389-Q-8, SLUB Digital Library, Dresden, Rism Id. no. 212000107. The flute part of Andante has the tempo mark “Cantabile”, by hand of Pisendel.

Source of “Concerto per Pisendel” RV 314 is the autograph ms. of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, RISM Id n. 212000174. Caption title: „Con[cer]to fatto p[er] Mae[st]ro Pisendel del Vivaldi“. The string parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The synthetic notation by chords of a solo violin was resolved according to the suggestion of the Author.

Source of Concerto RV 99 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 357r-363r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to Del S. D. Ant[oni]o Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 105 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 302r-307v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: “Con[cer]to del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 101 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 308r-313r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to Del S. D[on] Ant[oni]o Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 108 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 220r-226v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Con[cer]to / del Vivaldi”. The variants contained in the first and third movement of the autograph in the recorder part are intended to facilitate performance or to enable the solo part to be played by another instrument.

Source of Concerto RV 91 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 364r-372v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Con[cer]to / del Vivaldi”.Source of Concerto RV 91 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 364r-372v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Con[cer]to / del Vivaldi”.

The edition is based on an autograph manuscript of the score from "Foa-Giordano" collection, volume Giordano 31, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: "Gli Istrom.ti alla 4.a Bassa / Con[cer]to P[er] Flautino / Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto in C major, RV 581 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 43r-63v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to / In due Cori / Per la S. S:ma Assontione [!] di M. V. / Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto in A minor RV 421 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 204r-210v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to / P[er] Violon[cel]lo Del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 87 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 404r-411r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Concerto / del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 88 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 420r-427r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Concerto / del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 94 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 412r-219v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „Concerto / del Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 542 is the ms. of the score, (Mus. 2389-O-97, copyist J. G. Grundig) available at SLUB, Dresden, RISM ID no. 212000214. Caption title, left side: „ Concerto con Organo“, and, at center: “del Sigr Vivaldi”.

Source of Concerto RV 554 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 255r-276v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to p[er] Viol[in]o Organo et Hautbois / ò pure 2 Violini et Hautbois / del Vivaldi “, and, lower side: “Vio[loncel]lo Questo Bas: Volendo cambiare l’Oboè in Violoncello”. The scripts suggest alternative combination of concertante instruments: with a second violin in place of organ and/or with cello in place of oboe.

Source of Concerto RV 427 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 213r-219v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Concerto p[er] il Flauto Traversier del Vivaldi“.

The source of the introductory “Sinfonia” from “Il Farnace” RV 711 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 37 (p. 2r-5v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Il Farnace / Sinfonia “.

The source of Concerto “L’Inquietudine” RV 234 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 79r-87v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “L’Inquietudine Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi“.

The source of Concerto for “2 Hautbois” RV 535 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 32 (p. 268r-282v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ Con[cer]to con 2 Hautbois Del Vivaldi“.

The source of Concerto for “Flauto traversier” RV 100 is the ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 282r-290v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi“.

The source of the Bassoon Concerto “La Notte” RV 501 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 32 (p. 64r-71v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „La Notte Con[cer]to p[er] Fagotto Del Vivaldi“.

The source of Concerto del Gardellino RV 90 in D major is the ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 332r-338v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cert]to Del Gardellino / Del S. D. Ant[oni]o Vivaldi “.

The main source of ConcertoRV 582 in D major is the autograph of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 22r-41v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cert]to / in due Cori / P la S. Assontione [!] di M. V. / Del Viva[ldi]“. A second source consulted is an accurate trascription by Pisendel of the same concerto, SLUB, Dresden.

The source of “Concerto con due Oboi” RV 536 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 32 (p. 221r-232v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to con due Aubois Del Viva[ldi]“.

The source of Concerto “La Pastorella” RV 95 is the ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 235r-242v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „La Pastorella Con[cer]to Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto in g minor RV 104 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 243r-259v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ Intitolato La Notte Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto in e minor RV 431 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 266r- 271v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ p. Flauto Trav[ersie]r del Vivaldi “. The second movement is missing. At its place there is the script “Grave supra il libro come stà”.

Source of the Sinfonia is an autograph ms. of the score, Giordano collection, volume 36 (p. 294r-298v). Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino.

Source of Oboe Concerto RV 447 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 32 (p. 3r-13v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ p. Hautbois del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto per Flauto traversier in D RV 429 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 260r-265v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ p. Flauto Traversier del S.r D. Ant.o Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto RV 440 is the ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 386r-394v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Concerto p[er] Flauto Traversier Del Sig.r D. Antonio Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto RV 555 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 34 (115r-132v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con:to Con molti Istrum:ti Del Vivaldi“.

Source of the Sinfonia is an autograph ms. of the score at the end of the opera „La Verità in Cimento“, Foà collection, volume 33 (p. 143r-147r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino.

Source of Concerto RV 106 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 31 (p. 324r-331v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to del Vivaldi“. The simplifications written above its flute part have the sole aim to facilitate the most demanding passages. An annotation indicating a change of instrumentation, “Con 2 Violini, e Violon[cel]lo obligato”, has been added later by Vivaldi himself (F. M. Sardelli, “Vivaldi’s Music for Flute and Recorder”, Ashgate Publishing).

Source of Concerto RV 436 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 31 (p. 396r-403v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to p[er] Flauto Traversier Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto RV 556 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 34 (p. 2r-20r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con:to P. La Solennità d. S. Lor:zo Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto RV 103 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 31 (p. 228r-234r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to del Vivaldi“.

Source of Sinfonia RV 169 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 34 (p. 100r-102r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Sinfonia del Vivaldi / Al Santo Sepolcro“.

Source of Sonata RV 130 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 34 (p. 96r-98v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Suonata à 4 al Santo Sepolcro Del Vivaldi“.

Source of „Concerto Madrigalesco“ RV 129 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 34 (p. 111r-114r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to Madrigalesco Del Vivaldi“.

Source of “Suonata” RV 86 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 340r-346v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Suonata à 2. Flauto, e Fagotto Del Vivaldi“.

Source of “Concerto per Flauto traversier RV 438 is the ms. of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 31 (p. 250r-259v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „ Concerto per Flauto Traversier del Sig.r D. Ant.o Vivaldi “. The ms. score is in the hand of “Scribe 15”, but Vivaldi made various annotations on this copy. In particular he rewrote the melodic line completely in the solo part, bars 105-108 of the third movement.

Source of Concerto per Fagotto RV 487 is the autograph ms. of the score, Foà Collection, Volume 32 (p. 135r-141v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to per Fagotto Del Vivaldi“.

Source of Concerto RV 158 is the autograph ms. of the score, Foà Collection, Volume 30 (p. 42r-54r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to Ripieno Del Vivaldi “.

Source of Concerto RV 533 is the autograph ms. of the score, Giordano Collection, Volume 31 (p. 206r-212v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to p[er] 2 Flauti Traversieri del Vivaldi “.

Source of Concerto RV 577 is the autograph ms. of the score, Foà Collection, Volume 32 (p. 339r-354r), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to del Vivaldi p[er] l’Orchestra di Dresda“.

Source of „Concerto funebre“ RV 579 is the autograph ms. of the score, Foà Collection, Volume 32 (p. 349r-359v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Con[cer]to Funebre / Con Hautbois sordini e Salmoè / e Viole all’Inglese / Tutti li Violini e Violette Sordini / Non però il Viol[in]o Principale“.

The source of Aria with Flauto traversiere „Sol da te mio dolce amore“ is the autograph ms. of the score of opera „Orlando Furioso“ RV 728, Atto I, Scena XI, Collection Giordano, Volume 39bis, pp. 48r-51r, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. A few bars at the end, cancelled by the Author, but with a contradictory script „Si suona“, have been transcribed in version 1.1.

The source is ms. of the score BNU_20741, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Cover page of the first part: „Parte Prima / La Sena Festeggiante / Serenata à 3 Voci / con Istrom.ti / Poesia Del Sig.r Lalli / Musica / del Sig.r D. Antonio Vivaldi Maestro di Capella / Di S.A.S. Il Sig.r Filippo Langravio / D'Hassia d'Armistath (sic) etc. etc. / Sinfonia“. Cover page of the second part: “La Sena Ouvertur[e] Parte Seconda”. The Serenata [RV 693] was dedicated to the king of France and had its first representation in Venice on November 4, 1726.

The reference source of Concerto RV 406 is the ms of autograph score from collection Foà-Giordano, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino (Foà 29, pp.142r-148v).

The reference source of Concerto RV 585 is a microfilm of the autograph ms. of the score, available at Biblioteca del Palazzo Chigi Saracini di Siena (1708-1709). The microfilm is annexed to the original ms., now unreadable, Mus.2389-O-77, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID no. 212000231, SLUB Dresden.

The reference source of Concerto RV 576 is a ms. of the score, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino (Foà-Giordano collection). Another copy of the same Concerto is a ms. of separate parts, Mus.2389-O-125, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID no. 212000227, SLUB Dresden.

The reference source of Concerto RV 574 is the ms. of separate parts, copied by Pisendel, Mus.2389-O-157, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID no. 212000226, SLUB Dresden.

The source is the autograph ms. BNU_20747, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. The "Sinfonia" (p. 1-5) appears before a short Allegro introducing the Opera.

The source of the Sinfonia RV 112 is the ms. of separate parts Mus.2389-N-6, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden.

The present edition is based on a ms. of the score, possibly autograph, from the collection „Foà-Giordano“, Biblioteca Nazionale, Torino, available online at Petrucci Music Library. The title ” per Flautino. Gli Istrom.ti trasportati alla 4.a”, suggests a transposition by a fourt. The editor, following the written instruction, has transposed score and parts, so that the appropriate concertante instrument should be soprano recorder in c, instead of sopranino recorder in f. Ms. is not very accurate with accidentals. Modern editions include variants of the original script that have not been considered.

The source of „Concerto per la Solennità di San Lorenzo“ is a ms. of parts Mus.2389-O-94 trascribed by Pisendel (1716-17) available at the digital library SLUB, Dresden, Rism A/II-212000216.

The source of the Concerto RV 564a is a ms. of the score Mus.2389-O-161, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden. The original version of the Concerto RV 564 is for 2 violins and 2 cellos. In the version RV 564a, arranged by Pisendel, oboes replace cellos (RISM ID no. 212000217).

The reference source is the ms. of the score Mus.2389-N-2,4, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden.

The reference source is the ms. of the score Mus.2389-O-48,1, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden. In the same library there are two other manuscripts of separate parts, one of which includes variants in violino principale part, attributed to Pisendel. The horn separate parts have been transposed for horn in G, as appears in the alternate sources.

Source is the ms. of separate parts Mus.2389-Q-10, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden.

The reference source is the ms of separate parts Mus.2389-Q-9, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden. The editor consulted the Ricordi edition, P. R. 305, Milano, 1949 (Francesco Malipiero, editor).

The source is the autograph ms of the score, Mus.2389-Q-14, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB, Dresden. Caption title: “Suonata à Violino, Oboè, et Organo obligati / di D. A. V.”. First page of the score has a different title: “Suonata à Viol.o Oboè, et Org.o, et anco se piace il Salmoè”, with salmoè doubling the bass part, with rare exceptions. An alternative orchestration is proposed by Vivaldi on the right side of each staff: „Violino Primo / Oboè / Violino 2ndo / Basso“, with the violin playing the upper staff of the organ.

The source is a printed edition by Le Cène, Amsterdam, c. 1730. Caption title: “CONCERTI A CINQUE / Con Violini, Oboè, Violetta, Violoncello / e Basso Continuo / Del (!) Signori / G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, / F. M. Veracini, G. S.t Martin, / A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri / Libro Secondo / A Amsterdam / Chez / Michel Charles Le Céne Libraire / N.o 433”. The edition is online available at the Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München, Germany.

The reference source of the Cantata with instruments “Vengo a voi luci adorate” [RV 682] is the ms of the score in the collection Foà-Giordano [NBU_20744], Biblioteca nazionale universitaria di Torino.

The source of Concerto RV 275 is the printed edition of parts, Le Cène, Amsterdam, c. 1730: “CONCERTI A CINQUE / Con Violini, Oboè, Violetta, Violoncello / e Basso Continuo / Del (!) Signori / G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, / F. M. Veracini, G. S.t Martin, / A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri / Libro Secondo / A Amsterdam / Chez / Michel Charles Le Céne Libraire / N.o 433”. This concerto is an early opus preceding „Estro Armonico“ (1711). The first publication of it is in J. Roger "Concerti a Cinque" (Amsterdam 1717). Note that a copy of this concert, with a different second movement (RV 275a), in possession of Christoph Graupner, indicates the first part as "Violino Principale o Traversa". In fact, in the two outer movements, the part does not contain chords and uses the extension d1-e3 (with one exception in Tutti of the first movement) and may have been written for the flute rather than for the violin. This notice is reported in "The Scoring of Baroque Concertos, Richard Maunder, C. R. F. Maunder".
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