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Sonates en Trio I & III pour la Flûte traversière [Livre III - 1707]

The source of the two Sonatas is the 1707 edition by Christophe Ballard in three books of parts. Caption title: "Troisième Livre des Trio, / pour les Violons, Flutes et Hautbois / Par Monsieur DE LA BARRE ... / mélez de sonates pour la Flute traversiere, / M.DCCVII.“, digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris.
Sample — 486x
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Release notes: 
Version 2.0

News & Comments

Hi, I downloaded the "basse-continue" part to play with my trio and noticed what I assumed to be tenor clef sections (where cellos often go!), only to discover when we were playing it and it sounded terrible that the part actually had ALTO clef sections, not tenor clef. Is this intentional? Certainly not typical for bc parts! Thanks.

<p><span style="font-size: 12.000000pt; font-family: 'LucidaBright'">Both sonatas have been published separately as version 1.0 on January 20 and 24, 2007. Version 2.0, published on December 26, 2013, collects the two sonatas in a new editorial format and corrects some transcription errors. </span></p>