Concerto per la Solennità di San Lorenzo [RV 286]
The main source of Concerto in F major RV 286 is the autograph of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 30 (p. 12r-23v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: “Con[cer]to p[er] la Solennità di S. Lorenzo / Del Vivaldi”. The manuscript of parts (Violin I part lost) included in a collection with caption title “La Cetra. Concerti Consacrati alla Sacra Cesarea Cattolica Real Maesta di Carlo VI [...] l'anno 1728”, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna (A-Wn): Mus.Hs.15996, was consulted. This manuscript is not “La Cetra. Opera 9".There are a lot of different concertos in this copy and the RV 286 parts include some variants.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Release notes:
Version 1.0
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