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Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681 - 1767)

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The source is a manuscript of parts, Mus Ms 1034-90, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no.: 450003133.

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The main source is the manuscript of the score, Darmstadt, (Darmstadt, (D-DS)), 1034/11, RISM ID no.: 450003042. Title: “Ouverture, á 2. Haub: 2 Viol: Conc: 2 Viol: Viole and Basse. par | Mr: Telemann”. A second source with some variants is the manuscript of the parts, Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)), Mus.2392-O-40, RISM ID no.: 210000326.

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The sources of Concerto in F-sharp minor TWV 51:fis1 are: a) a manuscript of the score (copyist Graupner), 1033/24a, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002933; b) a manuscript of separate parts (copyist Graupner), 1033/24b, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002934.

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The source of Ouverture in A major TWV 55:A2 is a manuscript of the score, 1034/1, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003027.

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The source of Sinfonia in F major TWV 50:3 is a manuscript of the score 1034/97, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002781. Caption title: “Sinfonia. del | Sigre Telemann. | Cornett: | Trombona | 1. | 2. | 3. | Viola di | Gamba. | Flauto dolce. | Violino, e | Oboe. | Viola | 1. | 2. | Cembalo.”.

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The source of Concerto in D major TWV 53:D3 is a manuscript of the score 1033/40, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002958. Caption title: “Concerto. | del | Sigre Telemann | Violini | unis: | Oboe d'Amore | 1 | 2. | Viola. | Violoncello | Cembalo”.

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The reference source is the autograph of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl)), Mus.2392-O-34, RISM ID no.: 210000324. Caption title: „Ouverture. par moi Telemann.”. A manuscript of separate parts of an arranged version, Mus. 2392-O-34a, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek, was consulted.

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The source is the manuscript of parts (copyist: J. S. Endler), Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS)), 1034/85, RISM ID no.: 45000312. Caption title: “OUVERTURE. | â | 3. Hautbois. | 2. Violons. | Taille. | & | Basse. | Par Mons: | Telemann. | [Incipit]”.

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The source of Overture in G major TWV 55:G8 is a manuscript of parts 1034/68, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003112. Caption title: “Ouverture | a | Violino1. | Violino2. | Viola e | Basso | del Signore | Telemann. | la Querelleuse.”

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The main source of Concerto TWV 52:C1 is a manuscript of the score, 1033/38a, RISM id no. 450002955, Universität- und Landes- bibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”Concerto, â 2. Chalumeaux. 2. Fagotti, Violino unis: Viola, Basso. | del Sigre. | Telemann.”. A manuscript of separate parts is also available: 1033/38b, RISM id no. 450002956, Universität- und Landes- bibliothek Darmstadt.

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The source is the edition of parts by the Author of the collection: “VI moralische Cantaten”, 1739, texts by J.J.D. Zimmerman, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, identifier: 2 in: Mus. 15892.

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The source is the manuscript of the score and parts (copy by Graupner et al.), Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), 1033/44, RISM ID no.: 450002962. Caption title: ” Concert: a 2 Hautb. Basson | 2 Violin. 2 Viol: e Cembalo. | del Sign. | Teleman.”. Caption title in frontispiece of parts: "Concert françois / a / 2. Hautbois / 2. Dessus pour les Violons / 2. Violes di Braccio / Bassono / e / Basse Chiffrée".

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The source is the autograph manuscript of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (8), RISM ID no. 464111013, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “Divertimento II. per S. A. Il Landgr. de Darmst.”.

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The source of Quartet in D major TWV 43:D6 is the manuscript of parts, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) Mus. 2392-Q- 29, No. RISM: 210000231.

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The main source of Overture in E minor TWV 55:e8 is a manuscript of parts 1034/69, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003113. Caption title: “Ouverture | à | Violino. 1. | Violino. 2. | Viola e | Basso. | del Signore | Telemann. | l’Omphale.”. An alternate source was consulted for ornaments and accidentals (Mus.2392-N-18, SLUB Dresden). This second source includes Oboe and Fagotto parts as ripieno instruments.

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The source is the autograph of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (3), RISM ID no. 464111008, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kul- turbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “Ouverture”.

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The main source of Overture in D major TWV 55:D13 is a manuscript of parts 1034/66a, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003109. Caption title: “Ouverture | à | Violino. 1. | Violino. 2. | Viola e | Basso. | del Signore | Telemann. | la Gaillarde.”. A less accurate alternate source was consulted for ornaments and accidentals ( 1034/66b, Universitäts- und Landes- bibliothek Darmstadt, copyist J. C. Graupner).

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The source of Overture in G major TWV 55:G7 is a manuscript of parts 1034/63, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003106 (copyist C. Graupner). Caption title: “Ouverture | a | 2 Hautb: | Violin Conc: | 2 Violin | 2 Viol|e | Cembalo | Teleman. | [Incipit]”.

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The source of Concerto in A major TWV 54:A1 is a manuscript of the score 1033/60, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002982. Caption title: “Concerto del Sign. Teleman | Violino. 1. concertato. | Violino 2. Conc: | Violino 3. concert: | Violino 4. concert: | Violino. 1. in Ripieno. | Violino 2 in Rip: | Viola | Violono. | Cembalo”.

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The source is a manuscript of separate parts (copyist Pisendel), Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB), RISM ID no.: 210000285. Title on Cembalo part: “Concerto grosso. | a | 2 Violini Concert. | 2 Violin. Rip. | Viola | e | Basso. | Del Sig.e Teleman̅.”.

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The sources are: the 1733 printed edition, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn) and the edition of the score, Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig, 1927, ed. Max Seiffert, available at BSB, München.

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The source of “Concert” in G major TWV 50:1 is the autograph of the score Telemann, G. Ph. 3, Rism Id no. 1001039022, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (DB).

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:E3 is a manuscript of parts, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus.2392-O-7, RISM ID no.: 210000304. Title on source: “Concert en Ouverture”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:B6 is a manuscript of parts, copyist C. Graupner, Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), 1034/70, RISM ID no.: 450003114. Title on source: “Ouverture | à | Flaut. Tr. | 2 Flaut. a bec | 2 Hautbois | 2 Violin | Viola | Fagotto | e | Cembalo. | [Incipit] | Teleman”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:E2, is a manuscript of separate parts (copyist J. S. Endler), Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), 1034/96, RISM ID no.: 450003143.

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The source of a collection of 6 sonatas in four parts entitled “Quatrième Livre de Quatuors” is a facsimile of the edition Le Clerc - Boivin, 1752.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:C1, is the manuscript of the score, 1034/8, Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Rism Id no.: 450003039.

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The source of Sonata a 6 in G minor TWV 44:33 is a manuscript of separate parts (copyist Graupner), 1042/54, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002844. Caption title: “Sonata | a | 2 Violin | 2 Viol | Violoncello | e | Cembalo. | [Incipit] | Teleman”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:D2, no. 5 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, is a printed edition of parts, Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja biblioteka (RUS- Mrg) MS R – IN/1511, RISM ID no.: 0000099006397.

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no. 2 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, is a printed edition of parts, Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja biblioteka (RUS- Mrg) MS R – IN/1511, RISM ID no.: 0000099006397.

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This edition is an arrangement with transposition in F major for 5 recorders, by Giannantonio Ippolito. The source of Ouverture a 5 in G major TWV55:G9 is a manuscript of parts 1034/77, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003121. Caption title: “Ouverture. | â | 2. Violon. | 2.Viole | e | Basse. | Par Mons:|  Telemann. | [Incipit]”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:F1, no. 1 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, is a printed edition of parts, Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja biblioteka (RUS- Mrg) MS R – IN/1511, RISM ID no.: 0000099006397.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:a1, no. 4 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, is a printed edition of parts, Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja biblioteka (RUS- Mrg) MS R – IN/1511, RISM ID no.: 0000099006397.

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The source of Overture TWV 55:G4 is a manuscript of score and parts 1034/16, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003050. Caption title: “Ouverture | des nations anciens et modernes | a | Violino 1. | Violino 2. | Viola e | Basso. | del Signore | Telemann. | La oltre gli anta”.

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The source of Overture a 5 in G major TWV 55:G9 is a manuscript of parts 1034/77, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003121. Caption title: “Ouverture. | â | 2. Violon. | 2. Viole | e | Basse. | Par Mons: | Telemann. | [Incipit]”.

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The sources of Sonata a 6 in F minor TWV 44:32 are:

- a manuscript of the score (copyist Graupner) 1042/21, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002810. Caption title: “Sonata a 2 Violin. 2 Viol. Violonc. | e Cembalo. | del Sign. | Teleman.”

- a manuscript of separate parts (copyist Endler) from the same library, 1042/21, RISM ID no. 450002811. 

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Sources of Sonata TWV 44:11, online available at SLUB, Dresden, (D-Dl), are: 1) a manuscript of separate parts Mus.2392-Q-14a, RISM ID no. 210000255;
2) a manuscript of the score Mus.2392-Q-14 RISM ID no.: 210000254.

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The source of Magnificat in C major TWV 9:17 is the manuscript of separate parts (c.1740),, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußi-scher Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), RISM ID No. 452513410. The Fondamento part was written in B major because of the organ’s tuning and was transposed in C major. This fact implied some limited modifications of the figured bass, which requires a more accurate revision.The edition of the score is with the original clefs, while separate parts have the currently used clefs.

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The source of Sonata a 6 in B major TWV 44:34 is a manuscript of the score 1042/7, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002796. Caption title: “Sonata a 2 Violin 2 Viol. Violoncello | e Continuo | del Sign. | Teleman.”

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The source is a printed edition of Harmonische Gottes-Dienst, Gieddes Samling XI,8 mu 6208.0586 U266, Copenhagen Royal Library. Caption title: “Harmonischer / Gottes=Dienst/ / oder / geistliche / CANTATEN / ... zu Beförderung so wol / der Privat=Haus= / als öffentliches / Kirchen=Andacht/ / ... und aus einer Singe=Stimme bestehen/ die entweder von / einer Violine, oder Hautbois, oder Flûte traverse, oder Flüte â bec, / nebst General-Basse, begleitet wird; / ... In die Music gebracht, und zum Druck befördert / von / Georg Philipp Telemann/ ...”.

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The source of Overture a 5 in F major TWV 44:6 is a manuscript of the score 1034/10, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003041. Caption title: “Ouverture | Chalum: | 1. | 2. | Violetta. | 1. | 2. | Basso. | Telemann.”

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The source of Sonata TWV 44:5 is the manuscript of parts 1042/37, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002827.

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The source of “Concerto a la Francese” TWV 53:C1 is the manuscript of parts 1033/81, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003004.

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The source of Concerto TWV 52:d1 is a manuscript of the score, 1033/50, RISM id no. 450002968, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”Concerto. | del | Sigre Telemann. | Chalumeau | 1. | 2. | Violino. | 1. | 2.”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:g4, is a ms. of parts, copyist Endler, 1034/73, RISM id no. 450003117, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ” G.b. | Ouverture, | a | 3. Hautbois, | 2. Dessus, pour Violons, | 1. Taille | Basson | et | Basse pour le Clavissin. | par | Telemann. | [Incipit]”.

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The sources of Ouverture TWV 55:Es1, no. 3 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, are: a) a ms. of parts, copyist Graupner, 1034/91a, RISM id no. 4500031358, and b) a ms. of parts, copyist Endler, 1034/91b, RISM id no. 450003136, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on Endler’s ms.: ” Dis.x | OUVERTURE. | â | 2 Corn: de Chasse | Dessus | Haute Contre | Taille | Basse Continue. | Telemann. | [Incipit]”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:g1, no. 6 da “Six ouvertures à 4 ou 6, dessus, hautecontre, taille, basse et 2 cors ad libitum”, Hamburg, 1736, is a ms. of parts, copyist Graupner, 1034/55, RISM id no. 450003098, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”Ouverture | a | 2 Violin | Viola | e | Cembalo. | [Incipit] | Teleman.”.

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The source is a manuscript of parts Mus.2392-O-16a, RISM ID no. 210000315, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbiblio- thek (SLUB) (D-Dl). Caption title: “Schranck No: II. | 24. Fach 42. Lage | [red ink:] Ouverture. | [black ink:] co Viola e Basso. | 11 St[immen]. | Del Sig.r Teleman. | [incipit]”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55:e3 is a ms. of parts, 1034/28a, RISM id no. 450003068, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”OUVERTURE. | à | 2. Flutes Traversieres. | 2. Hautbois. | 2. Violons. | 1 Viole. | Basse pour Hautb. | et | Basse pour Violons | par | Melante. | Eb”.

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The source is a manuscript of parts 21784/7, RISM ID no. 452513534, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “OUVERTURE. | à 6. | Hautbois. | 2 Violini | Viola | et | Cembalo | di | Telemann. | J. Ditmar. | [incipit]”.

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The source of Concerto a 4 TWV 40:202 is the manuscript of separate parts, 1033/108, RISM ID no. 450003025, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Darmstadt. Caption title: “CONCERTO. | à 4. | Violini Senza | Basso | del. Sigr: | Melante.”.

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The source is the autograph of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (1), RISM ID no. 464111006, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “Ouverture pour S. A. S. Monseigneur | le Landgrave de Darmstadt, faite par Telemann.”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55: C4 is the manuscript of the score (copyist C. Graupner) 1034/42, RISM ID no. 450003084, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Darmstadt. Caption title: “Ouverture a 2 Hautb. 2 Violin. Taile e Basse | del Sign. | Teleman”.

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The source of Sonata TWV 43: G12 is the manuscript of separate parts (copyist J. S. Endler) 1042/90, RISM ID no. 450002881, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Darmstadt. Caption title: “| SONATA. | â | Flauto traverso, | Due Viole di Gamba, | et | Cembalo. | di | Telemann. |”.

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The source of Ouverture TWV 55: B5 is the manuscript of separate parts (copyist J. S. Endler) 1034/53, RISM ID no. 450003096, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Darmstadt. Caption title: “Ouverture | a | 2. Dessus | Taille | e | Basse. | Telemann |”.

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The source is a printed edition of separate parts of Concert à 7 TWV 53:A2 included in: “Musique de table partagée en trois productions, dont chacune contient 1 ouverture avec la suite à 7 instrumens, 1 quatuor, 1 concert à 7, 1 trio, 1 solo, 1 conclusion à 7 et dont les instruments se diversifient par tout....” [1733], Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Musique , VM7-1536.

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The source of Concerto TWV 51:G1 is a ms. of parts copied by Graupner, 1033/68, RISM id no. 450002990, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Caption title: ”Concerto / a / Flauto Trav. / 2. Violini / e / Basso / Teleman”.

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The source is a printed edition of separate parts of “Première Suite” TWV 43:e1 #5 included in: “Quadri / à / Violino, Flauto traversiere, Viola di / Gamba o Violoncello, / e Fondamento; / ripartiti in / 2. Concerti, / 2. Balletti, / 2. Sonate, / e / composti / da / Giorgio Filippo Telemann” (Hamburg, 1730), Mus. 1037/2, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Darmstadt.

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The source is a printed edition of separate parts of „Concerto Secondo“ TWV 43:D1 #2 included in: “Quadri / à / Violino, Flauto traversiere, Viola di / Gamba o Violoncello, / e Fondamento; / ripartiti in / 2. Concerti, / 2. Balletti, / 2. Sonate, / e / composti / da / Giorgio Filippo Telemann” (Hamburg, 1730), Mus. 1037/2, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Darmstadt.

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The source is a ms. of the score 1033/45, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002922. Caption title: “Concerto a 2 Fl: Tr. Violin Conc: 2 Violin. Viola | Violoncello obl. e Cembalo. | Teleman”.

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Source is the manuscript of the score 1033/13, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002920

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The source of Flute Concerto TWV 51:h1 is a ms. of score, copyist: C. Graupner, 1033/45, RISM id no. 450002964, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”Concerto. a Flaut: Trav. 2 Violin. Viola e Cembalo. | Teleman”.

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The source of Flute Concerto TWV 51:E1 is a ms. of score, copyist: C. Graupner, 1033/1, RISM id no. 450002909, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ” Concerto. a Flaut Tr. 2 Violis. Viola e Cembalo. | Teleman”.

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The source of Flute Concerto TWV 51:D1 is a ms. of score, copyist: J. S. Endler, 1033/35, RISM id no. 450002952, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”CONCERTO. Del Sign. Telemann. | Flauto trav: | Violino 1. | Violino 2. | Viola | Cembalo”.

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The source of Flute Concerto TWV 51:D2 is a ms. of score, copyist: J. S. Endler, 1033/39, RISM id no. 450002957, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Title on source: ”D.x. | CONCERTO. | â | Flauto traverso Concert: | 2. Violini, | Viola, | et | Cembalo. | Del / Signr.e Telemann”.

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The sources of Concerto grosso TWV 51:B1 are:

1. autograph of the score, dated September 14, 1719 with 55 bars missing in the final Allegro, Mus.2392-O-38, SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID No. 210000269. Caption title: “Concerto grosso, per il Sig.r Pisendel, da me GF Telemann, / 14. Sept. 1719”. And, at the end of the score: “Das letztere Allegro ist ziemlich / kracklicht; künfftig ein bessers, / Autor.The third mov. title is: “… ato” (sic).

2. a second ms. including two sets of parts, with the bars missing in the score, copied by Pisendel himself and another copyist, Mus.2392-O-58, SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID No. 210000270.

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Source of Overture in C major TWV 55:D7 is a ms. of parts Mus.2392-N-2, available at SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID No. 210000299. The woodwind parts are ripieno of the Violino I/II and Violone/Cembalo parts.

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The main source is a ms. of parts copied by J. S. Endler, 1033/80, RISM id no. 450003003, Universität- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. A second ms is available at SLUB, Dresden. Caption title: ”CONCERTO / a 5. / Hautbois Concert. / 2. Violini / Viola / con / Cembalo. / del / Sign. Telemann”.

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The source is the autograph ms. of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (7), RISM ID no. 464111012, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußi­scher Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: Divertimento, by hand of Georg Michael Telemann.

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The source is the autograph ms. of the score Mus.2392-O-9 RISM ID no. 210000293, SLUB, Dresden. Caption title: “Concerto / da me Telemann”.

Version 1.0
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The source is the autograph ms. of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (4), RISM ID no. 464111009, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: Ouverture [crossed out "italiennisante", above added, and later crossed out: "comique"] / jointes d'une suite tragi-comique.

Version 1.0
Sample — 357x

The source of “Concerto” TWV 54:B1 is a manuscript of score and parts Mus-Ms-1033-26a (copyist Graupner), online available at Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Caption title: “Concerto / a / 2 Flaut. Trav. / Hautb. Conc. / Violino Conc. / Violini unisoni / 2 Viol. / e / Cembalo”.

Version 1.0
Sample — 409x

The source of Sonata TWV 43:G11 is a manuscript of the parts 1042/80 (copyist Graupner), online available at Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt. Caption title: “Sonata / a / Flute Travers. / Violino / Basson / e / Cembalo”.

Version 1.1
Sample page — 353x

The source of “Sinfonia melodica” in C major TWV 50:2 is the autograph of the score Telemann, G, P. 6(5), Rism Id no. 464111010, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (DB). Caption title: “Sinfonia melodica, composta per l'Altezza Seren. | il Landgravo di Darmst. da me Telemann”.

Version 1.1
Sample — 389x

The source of “Divertimento” in B major TWV 50:23 is the autograph of the score Telemann, G, P. 6(9), Rism Id no. 464111014, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (DB).

Version 1.0
Sample — 348x

The source is the autograph ms. of the score Telemann, G. P. 6 (6), RISM ID no. 464111011, Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “Ouverture 1763”.

Version 1.0
Sample — 321x

The source is a ms. of parts 1034/45, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003088. Caption title: “Ouverture | composée | pour | Son Altesse Serenissime | Monseigneur Le Landgrave Louis VIII | Les Instruments sont | 2. Corns de Chasse | 2. Hautbois | 2. Violons | 1. Viola | avec | un Basse | | produit le | par moi | Telemann | 1765”.

Version 1.0
Sample — 399x

Two sources for separate parts are available: ms. Gieddes Samling X,3 mu 6305.1360, Giedde's Collection, Copenhagen Royal Library, and ms. 1034/80, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstad.

Publication of version 2.0, corrrecting some transcription errors and with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 486x

Sources are: ms. of the score 1034/39, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003081 (copyst Graupner), and ms. Gieddes Samling X,4 mu 6305.3060, Giedde's Collection, Copenhagen Royal Library. The Copenhagen ms. includes 7 separate parts: Violino Primo, Violino Secundo, Viola, Hautbois Primo [“Flaute a bec” in Sarabande and Bourrée], Oboe Secondo [“Flaute à bec” in Sarabande and Bourrée], Tasto, Cembalo. Flute parts are in french violin clef in both manuscripts. In this edition score is with original clefs, flute and oboe parts with violin clef.

Version 1.0, based on Copenhagen ms., was published on September 11, 2007. New version 2.0, published on September 7, 2013, was reviewed on the basis of Darmstadt ms., correcting some errors and with a new editorial format.
Sample — 457x

Source is ms of seven parts 1033/67, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Rism ID no. 450002989.

Version 1.0
Sample — 389x

Source is ms of score 1033/59, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450002981.

Version 1.0
Sample — 446x

Quatuor TWV 43:a1 is no. 5 of the 1733 printed edition of separate parts, available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: “Six Quatuors ou trios à deux flûtes ou deux violons, et à deux violoncelles ou deux bassons, dont le second peut être entièrement retranché ou se jouer sur le clavessin…”.

Version 1.0 has been published on May 18, 2013.
Sample — 345x

Source of Concerto TWV 54:B2 is a ms. of separate parts Mus.2392-O-29, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden, RISM ID no. 210000289. Flute parts are in french clef in source and in published score, while separate parts use current violin clef. Viola I part is in soprano clef in score, transposed in violin clef in separate part.  Violino ripieno part is in bass clef as to be played by cellos.

Version 1.0
Sample — 383x

Sources of Concerto in D major TWV 53:D1 are: the autograph ms. of the score, Mus2392-O-18, SLUB Dresden, RISM ID no. 210000291, and a ms. of separate parts, Mus Ms 1033-72, RISM ID no. 450002994, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

Version 2.0 has been completed on January 18, 2013. It presents a new editorial format, corrects some errors and includes bass figures from the Darmstadt ms. Previous version 1.4 was completed on September 21, 2008.
Sample — 377x

Source of Concerto in E minor TWV 53:e1 is the manuscript of the score, copyist Christoph Graupner, Mus Ms 1033-11, RISM ID no. 450002918, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB, Darmstadt.

Version 1.0
Score first page — 380x

Source of Concert in G TWV 53:G1 is the manuscript of the score, Mus Ms 1033-36, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

Version 1.0
Score first page — 582x

Source of Concerto in e minor TWV 52: e1 for Recorder and Flute is the manuscript of the parts, Mus Ms 1033-84, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB, Darmstadt.

Version 1.0
First page of the score — 402x

Sources of Concerto in e minor TWV 52:e2 are: an autograph ms. Ré and a ms. Mus. 2392-O-21,1, both from SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek and a third ms. Mus Ms 1033-37 (1740), available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt. In case of ambiguity the present edition follows the autograph.

Version 2.5
Score first page — 360x

Source of Sonata I TWV 43:D4 is the facsimile of the score, edited by Mark A. Meadow, Basel, 1983.

Version 2.0, with a new editorial format and correcting the wrong reference to the Telemann-Werke- Verzeichnis catalog.
Score first page — 340x

Source of Ouverture and Chaconne in f [TWV 55: f1] is the manuscript of the score, Mus Ms 1034-76, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

Version 1.0 was completed on April 14, 2012. Version 1.1, correcting some defects in the Passepied movement and the final note in the Taille part of the Chaconne, was completed on May 8, 2012.
Score first page — 432x

Source of Concerto in F TWV 52: F1 is the manuscript of the score, Mus Ms 1033-32, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

Version 1.0
Sample — 359x

Trietto methodico and Scherzo I (TWV 42:G2,A1) have been extracted from a ms. of separate parts Mus. 2392-Q-4, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek, which includes the complete set of parts transcribed from the 1731 printed edition: “III Trietti methodichi e Scherzi à 2 Flauti traversi overo 2 violini con fondamento”.

Version 1.0 with a new editorial format.
Sample — 394x

Source of Septet TWV 44:41 is a ms. of separate parts Mus.2392-O-28, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden, RISM-A/II-210000256. Flute parts are in french clef in source and in published score, while separate parts use current violin clef.

Version 2.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 356x

The Sonata is # 5 of the “Six Sonates en trio dans le goût italien” (1731-33). The source is the manuscript of the score Mus. 2392-Q-27, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

New editorial format of version 2.0, released on January 25, 2011.
Sample — 495x

The sources are: the 1733 printed edition (Petrucci Music Library), the urtext edition of the score, Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig, 1927, ed. Max Seiffert, available at BSB, München, a ms. of separate parts, Mus.2392-O-39, available at SLUB, Dresden and the ms. of the score Mus.ms1034/23a, copied by J. S. Endler, ULB, Darmstadt.

Version 1.4
Sample — 418x

The source is a manuscript of separate parts of the Suite in B Minor TWV 43:h1, n. 6 from: “Quadri / a / Violino et Flauto traversiere, Viola di / Gamba o Violoncello / e Fondamento / ripartiti in / 2 Concerti / 2 Balletti / 2 Sonate / e / composti / da / Giorgio Filippo Telemann”, Mus. 2392-Q-40, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

New editorial format of version 1.1, first published on December 11, 2010.
Sample — 461x

The source is a manuscript of separate parts, Mus. 2392-O-34a, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 375x

The Quartet in d minor is inclu­ded in Musique de Table (Seconde Production) published by Telemann in 1733. The source is the edition published in 1927 by H. Abert in Denkmäler Deutscher Tonkunst available at IMSLP Petrucci Music Librar.

Version 1.2
Sample — 388x

Source is ms of separate parts Mus. 2392-O-33, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 436x

Source is a ms of parts Mus. 2392- O-23, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample page — 286x

Sources are: ms of separate parts Mus. 2392-N-3, Digitale Bibliothek SLUB Dresden and ms of score, Mus Ms 1034-6a, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt.

Version 2.0
Sample — 372x

Sources for this Concerto are two manuscripts of separate parts from Gieddes Collection, The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Both of them include the complete collection of six quartets published by Telemann in 1730 and conventionally named „Quatuors Parisiens“. In one of these sources, the first page of Flauto traverso part is marked with the date 1732. Both sources are perfectly readable and almost flawless.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 671x

Source of Ouverture TWV 55:a2 is the ms of score 1034/5, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt.

Version 2.1
Sample — 442x

Source of Sonata II TWV 43:D4 from “"Quatriéme Livre de Quatuors” (1752), is the facsimile edition, Mark A. Meadow, Basel, 1983.

Version 2.0
Sample — 439x

The manuscript of this Concerto reports the script „Calchedon“ corresponding to a part written with the bass clef. It refers to a type of 6 or 8-course bass lute. The source is the manuscript score, possibly autograph, Mus. 2392-O-22, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 422x

The main source is a printed edition of Harmonische Gottes-Dienst, Gieddes Samling XI,8 mu 6208.0586 U266, Copenhagen Royal Library. Caption title: “Harmonischer / Gottes=Dienst/ / oder / geistliche / CANTATEN / ... zu Beförderung so wol / der Privat=Haus= / als öffentliches / Kirchen=Andacht/ / ... und aus einer Singe=Stimme bestehen/ die entweder von / einer Violine, oder Hautbois, oder Flûte traverse, oder Flüte â bec, / nebst General-Basse, begleitet wird; / ... In die Music gebracht, und zum Druck befördert / von / Georg Philipp Telemann/ ...”. A second source, close to the printed editon, is a ms. of the score available at Petrucci Music Library.

Version 2.1
Sample — 478x

The source is a ms. from Giedde's Collection, Copenhagen Royal Library, caption title: “IV Duetti a Due Flauti Traversi Dell Sigr Scherre et II Duetti Dell Sigr Telemann”. It includes two sonatas catalogued as trios TWV 42:e13 e TWV 42:fis1, here without the bass part.

Version 2.0