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Concerto grosso per il Signor Pisendel [TWV 51:B1]

The sources of Concerto grosso TWV 51:B1 are:1. autograph of the score, dated September 14, 1719 with 55 bars missing in the final Allegro, Mus.2392-O-38, SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID No. 210000269. Caption title: “Concerto grosso, per il Sig.r Pisendel, da me GF Telemann, / 14. Sept. 1719”. And, at the end of the score: “Das letztere Allegro ist ziemlich / kracklicht; künfftig ein bessers, / Autor.” The third mov. title is: “… ato” (sic).2. a second ms. including two sets of parts, with the bars missing in the score, copied by Pisendel himself and another copyist, Mus.2392-O-58, SLUB Dresden, Digitale Bibliothek, RISM ID No. 210000270.
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Thursday, July 23, 2015
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