Lotti, Antonio (1667 - 1740)
The source is the manuscript of the score of “Ascanio” (1718), Dresden, (D-Dl), Mus.2159-F-5, RISM ID no.: 212006104. The title is missing.
The source is the manuscript the score of “Alessandro Severo” (1717), Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)), Mus.2159- F-2, RISM ID no.: 21200610. Title page: “ALESSANDRO SEVERO | DRAMA | Rappresentato nel Teatro di S. Gio: Grisostomo | Il Carnovale [sic!] dell'Anno MDCCXVII | POESIA | Dell'Illmo Sig.r Apostolo Zen [sic!] | MUSICA | Del Sig.r Antonio Lotti”.
The source is the manuscript of separate parts. Caption title: “TRIO | à | Flute Traversieur | Hautbois d'Amour | et | Basse Chiffrée | del | Seigneur Lotti”, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), 13216, RISM ID no.: 452021898.
The Sonata in B-flat major is available as a ms. of separate parts at the Stockholm Royal Library, Utile Dulci database.
The main source is the ms. of the score of the Sinfonia from the opera “Polidoro”, opera in five acts by Antonio Lotti, online available at Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli. A second source is a ms. of parts of an arrangement with horns in place of trumpets and the addition of flutes traversieres, SLUB, Dresden.
“Quartetto Echo” in F major is available as a ms. of separate parts at the Stockholm Royal Library, Utile Dulci database.
The main source is the ms. of parts of the Sinfonia from the opera “Giove in Argo”, given in Dresden on 1717. Ms. is available on SLUB, Dresden as Mus.2159-F-4b, RISM-A/II-212001733. It is a variant of the ms. Mus. 2159-F-4a, RISM-A/II-212001259, with flutes replacing oboes, and with the addition of bassoon.
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