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Leo, Leonardo (1694 - 1744)

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The sources are two manuscripts located at Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli: 1) Cantata ”Sorge Lidia la notte” (identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0082268); 2) Cantata ”Splende più dell'usato” (identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0082268).

Version 1.0
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Sources of Cantata are: a) manuscript of the score, Cantate 173@10, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT- NA0059, title: “Cantata del Sig.r / D. Leonardo Leo / Fatta a richiesta / Dal Sig.r Duca/di Montenero”; b) manuscript of the score, Cantate 172@10, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT- NA0059, title: “Cantata à Voce sola / Di soprano con violini, e violetta / Del Sig.r Leonardo Leo”; c) manuscript of the score, Frankfurt am Main, Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg. Abteilung Musik und Theater (D-F), Mus Hs 154 Nr 1, RISM ID no.: 450023544, title: “Or ch'è del Sol difesa quest'odorosa erbetta | Cantata | del Sigl. | D. Lionardo Leo”.

Version 1.0
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The source is a manuscript of the score of the score, shelfmark: Cantate 173@08, library: Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059 identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0082223, online available on

Version 1.0
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The source is the autograph manuscript of the score, ms. IT\ICCU\MSM\0082229, Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli. It is the aria for Decebalo from the homonymous “Festa teatrale”. On the last ms. page there is the following text: “Per servizio dell'Illmo Sig.r D. Antonio Cufaro”.

Version 1.0
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The source is a printed edition of the score by C. F. Vieweg, Berlin-Lichterfelde (July 1932), editor: Walter Upmeyer, available at Petrucci Music Library. The edition was based on a manuscript souce at that time in the Preußischen Staatsbibliothek, but no longer available in that library. Caption title of the manuscript source: “Concerto a 4 Violini obligati / per servizio di S. E. il Sig: Marchese del Vasto / del Sig: D: Lionardo Leo”.

Version 1.0
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Many sources of this “Sinfonia” are online available. The source used here is a manuscript of the score IT\ICCU\MSM\0151826, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059 (1710- 1740). Caption title: “S:M:I: | Oratorio a Cinque Voci | Con VV: Violetta, oboe, e corni da caccia | Da Cantarsi nel Regal Palazzo per ordine | di Sig.r Vicere Conte D.Arach'| in quest'anno 1732| Poesia | Del Sig.r Pietro Metastasio | Musica | Del Sig.r Leonardo Leo”.

Version 1.0
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The main source is the manuscript of the score Ms DM90132601422, Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli, caption title: “S.Bartolomeo / 1734 cantata da Caffarelli che per la prima volta fece da prim'omo. Leo”. A second later manuscript is available in the same library (Ms DM 90132601425) with minor variants. Both sources are online available at

Version 1.0
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The source is a manuscript of parts Mus. Hs. 81, RISM ID no.: 453001988, erroneously attributed to Le Chevalier Amedée, available at Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe. Another copy of the same Concerto, available at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien, is correctly attributed to Leonardo Leo. This edition is based on the Karlsruhe manuscript. Caption title: “CONCERTO | Flauto Traverso | Violino Primo | Violino Secondo | et | Basso | Del: Singe: Cheualie[!] “.

Version 1.0
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The manuscript of separate parts is located at Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB, Dresden (Ms Mus.2460-N-2).

Version 1.0 was completed on October 14, 2011. Version 1.1 correcting some errors in Violin II and Oboe II parts was completed on January 30, 2012.
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The manuscript of separate parts is located at Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB, Dresden (Ms Mus.2460-N-1). The second movement is the same as the one present in “Trio per Oboi, Violini e Basso”, published as version 1.1 on January 30, 2012 (Ms Mus.2460-N-2).

Version 1.0
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The autograph manuscript, located at the Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Naples (Ms DM90133200425), has the caption title: “Concerto di Violoncello, al solo servizio di S. il Sig.r Duca di Madalona L. Leo Agosto 1738”.

Version 1.0
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The main source is a ms located at Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli (Ms DM90132601427), with caption title: “Cantata à voce sola con V.V. / Del Sig. / Leonardo Leo”. In the same library there is another ms of the same cantata for soprano, 2 violins, viola and bass (Ms DM90132601425) with some differences.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
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The autograph manuscript, Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Naples (Ms DM90133200424), has the caption title: “Concerto di Violoncello, con V.V., e Basso al solo servizio di / S. il Sig.r Duca di Madalona / 7bre 1737 L. Leo”.

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The autograph manuscript, located at the Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Naples (Ms DM90133200422), has the caption title:
“Concerto di Violoncello, con V.V., al solo servizio di S. il/Sig.r Duca di Madalona/Aple 1738 L. Leo".

Version 1.0 was completed on March 23 2007. Version 2.0 was completed on February 14, 2010. The present edition has a new editorial format.
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Source is the autograph ms DM02032204351, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli. Caption title: „Zenobia in Palmira / Dramma in tre atti / Poesia di Apostolo Zeno / Rappresentato nel Teatro S. Bartolomeo / L’anno 1725“.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
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Source is an autograph manuscript, located at the Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli (ms. DM90133400133). Caption ti­tle: “Fughe a 4, 6, 8 voci. Studio di contrappunto”.

Version 1.0
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The autograph manuscript, located at Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Naples (Ms DM90133200423), has the caption title: “Concerto di Violoncello, con VV. al Solo servizio di S. / Il Sig.r Duca di Madalona: L. Leo”.

Version 1.0 was first published on July 19, 2008. On August 1, 2013, it was published with a revised editorial format.
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The autograph manuscript, located at Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Naples (Ms DM90133200421), has the caption title: “Sinfonia concertata di Violoncello. con VV. al Solo servizio di S. / Sig.r Duca di Madalona, ottobre 1737 - L. Leo”.

Version 1.0 was first published on June 25, 2007. On August 3, 2013, it was published with a revised editorial format.
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The autograph manuscript, located at the Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli (Ms DM90133200426), has the caption title: “Concerto di Violoncello, con V.V., per solo servizio di / S. il Sig.r Duca di Madalona Sbre 1737 L. Leo”.

Version 1.0 with a new editorial format.