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Orphée Cantate a Voix seule & Simphonie

The Cantata Orphée is the third one of a collection of six French Cantatas, published in Paris, 1710: “CANTATES / FRANÇOISES / A I. ET II. VOIX. / Avec SIMPHONIE, et sans SIMPHONIE. / COMPOSÉES / PAR M.r CLERAMBAULT / Organiste, et Maistre de Clavecin. / PARTITION IN FOLIO. / LIVRE PREMIER… M.DCC.X.”. The score is online available at Gallica, BNF, Paris.
Sample page — 275x
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Release notes: 
Version 1.1

News & Comments

Publication of version 1.1, which includes a revision of lyrics and improves the editorial fomat.