Concerto XI in Do maggiore
Source is a digitized copy of a printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, c. 1730: “CONCERTI A CINQUE / Con Violini, Oboè, Violetta, Violoncello / e Basso Continuo / Del (!) Signori / G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, / F. M. Veracini, G. S.t Martin, / A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri / Libro Secondo / A Amsterdam / Chez / Michel Charles Le Céne Libraire / N.o 433”. Concerto No. XI on one of the five concertos without opus number, already published by J. Roger in 1717/18, with multiple errors copied by Le Céne. For a detailed analysis look at Fabrizio Ammetto, „La produzione strumentale di Tomaso Albinoni (I) - I Concerti per violino senza numero d'opus“ Hortus Musicus N° 12 October-Dicember 2002. The edition is available at Digitale Bibliotek - Münchener Digitalisierungzentrum ( 20734-2).

Sunday, October 12, 2008
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Version 1.0
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2nd violin part in Concerto XI by Albinoni
T. Albinoni - Concerto No. XI in do maggiore