Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632 – 1687)
The sources of the instrumental suite from “Les festes de l'amour et de Bachus” (LWV 47, 1672) (1720) are: a) manuscript of the score, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Musique, X-457 (1); b) manuscript of the score, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Musique, VM2-4; c) manuscript of the score, Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Centre technique du livre, RES- F-662. The sources include parts of ”Le Bourgeois gentilhomme”.
The source of the instrumental suite from “Le Carnaval” (LWV 52, 1675) is a printed edition by J-B-C. Ballard (1720), Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Musique, VM2- 20. The edition includes parts from Pourceaugnac e Le Bourgeois gentilhomme. Other manuscript sources from the same library were not considered as incomplete and defective.
The suite includes 18 instrumental pieces. The main source is the manuscript copied by André Danican Philidor l’ainé (1690), Gallica BNF. Other sources consulted are two manuscripts: a) “Recueil des ballets de feu Monsieur de Lully”, Gallica, BNF, and b) “Le divertissement royal, ou Les amants magnifiques”, Bibliothéque de Besançon.
The Passacaille is the final part of the third and final act of the opera. It includes instrumental pieces, vocal pieces for one and two voices and three choirs with instruments. The source is the 1686 edition by JBC. Ballard, available from the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris (v. frontispiece on the cover).
The source is a 1705 ms. by the Philidor atelier online available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: “Recueil de marches françaises et étrangères pour hautbois, basse, tambour, d’airs du carrousel pour trompettes, timballes, hautbois, basse, suivis d’appels de trompe de chasse de différents auteurs…”.
The Suite includes 18 instrumental pieces, including the previously published Chaconne, and 8 choir pieces, selected from the tragédie Roland. The sources are the first edition of 1685 (see frontispiece on the cover), and, for the numbers of the figured bass, the second edition of 1716, except for choirs, based on the first edition figures. Both editions, available at Gallica, BNF, Paris, are by J-B-C. Ballard.
Source is the ms. atelier Philidor (c. 1705] „Trio [sic] de la Chambre / Tome Premier“ including 47 trio numbers with unspecified instruments, the first two in french clef and the third one in bass clef. The ms. „Volume de 62 feuillets / Res. 1397“ is online available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. This edition includes the first 9 numbers [LW 35/1-9] and the final Chaconne [LW 35/47].
The edition includes: Ouverture – Atys [LW 53] - Prologue [posthumous edition Ballard 1689], Gallica, BNF, Paris. Bass figures from 1708 Baussen edition, Gallica, BNF, Paris; Entrée des Zephirs – Atys – Scène IV, Acte II [Ballard 1689], Gallica, BNF, Paris. Bass figures from 1708 Baussen edition, Gallica, BNF, Paris. Previously published as version 1.1 on March, 12, 2007; Prelude – Le Sommeil - Atys – Scène IV, Acte III [Ballard 1689], Gallica, BNF, Paris. Previously published as version 1.1 on 2006.
The edition includes:
Chaconne des Maures – Ballet d’Alcidiane [1658 - LW 9], ms Philidor, Gallica, BNF, version 1.1, 2006;
La louchie – Ballet de Raillerie [1659 – LW 11], ms Rés. F. 519-18 Philidor, Gallica, BNF, version 1.2, 3/6/2007;
Chaconne de Bacchus et d'Ariane - Triomphe de l'Amour [1681 - LW 59], edition Christophe Ballard, North Texas University Library, version 1.0, 11/1/2007
Chaconne - Amadis [1684 – LW 63], edition Christophe Ballard, North Texas University Library, version 1.1, 2006;
Chaconne - Roland [1685 – LW 65], edition Christophe Ballard, North Texas University Library, version 1.0, 2006;
Chaconne - Temple de la Paix [1685 - LW 69], edition Christophe Ballard, North Texas University Library, version 1.1, 2006.
The sources are the 1686 Christophe Ballard edition [Acte I, Scene IV et V, pp. 24-46], and the A. Pontel edition, Amsterdam, 1688, online available at Petrucci Music Library. The score was transcribed using the original keys, but the separate parts have the usual modern keys for practical performance.
The sources are the 1686 Christophe Ballard edition [Acte V, Scene I, pp. 220-245], and a manuscript of the score, both from Bibliotheque Gallica, BNF, Paris. The score was transcribed using the original keys, but the separate parts have the usual modern keys for practical performance.
The sources are the 1686 Christophe Ballard edition [Acte V, Scene I, pp. 220-245], and a manuscript of the score, both from the Bibliotheque Gallica, BNF, Paris. The score was transcribed using the original keys, but separate parts have the usual modern keys for practical performance.
The edition includes a suite of four instrumental pieces from: “L'Amour Med́ecin [1665], Comédie Ballet de Molière” [LWV 29], Collection Philidor, BNF, Paris (Notice n°: FR BNF 39748542). In ms the initial Chaconne is repeated at the end of the Ballet, so that the suite may have the same Chaconne as a concluding piece.
Sources is a Philidor ms from the Bibliotheque Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: “Le Bourgois / Gentil-homme / Comedie-Ballett. / Donné per Le Roy a toutte Sa Cour / dans le chasteau de Chambort au Mois / D'octobre 1670. / fait par Monsieur de Lully sur Intendant / dela Musique du Roy et par Le Sieur / Molliere.” For this edition the printed edition of Molière comedy has been consulted. Caption title: “Le bourgeois gentilhomme: comédie-balet faite à Chambort, pour le divertissement du Roy, Le Monnier, 1671”, Bibliotheque Gallica, BNF, Paris.
The main source is the first edition by Christophe Ballard, 1680, North Texas University. Is has been compared with the second edition by C. Ballard, 1707, Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: “PROSERPINE / TRAGEDIE / MISE EN MUSIQUE / Par Monsieur DE LULLY, / Sur_intendant de la Musique du Roy...”. The suite includes eleven instrumental pieces.
Source is the first printed edition by Christophe Ballard, Paris, 1683, online available at North Texas State University Library. Caption title: “PHAËTON, [LW 61] / TRAGEDIE / MISE / EN MUSIQUE, / Par Monsieur de Lully... / A PARIS, / PAR CHRISTOPHE BALLARD... / M. DC. LXXXIII.” The Suite collects the following instrumental numbers extracted from the opera: Ouverture: in Prologue, p. 1, Air pour les Suivants de Saturne in: Prologue, p. 47, Bourée pour les Suivants de Saturne in: Prologue, p. 49, Concert d'Instruments in: Acte I, p. 35, Chaconne in: Acte II, p. 94, Petit Air in: Acte II, p. 104, Premier Air du Printemps in: Acte IV, p. 278, Entrée des Furies in: Acte III, p. 147, Marche in: Acte III, p. 227 and, finally, Rondeau in: Acte III, p. 228.
The source is a ms. by André Danican Philidor atelier [ca. 1707], Gallica, bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliotèque nationale de France. The suite collects four instrumental pieces from Alceste: “Prelude”, p. 284, Acte V, “Simphonie [Tombeau], p. 191, Acte III, “P.e Air”, Acte V, p. 236, “2.e Air”, Acte V, p. 240.
Sources is a ms of the score from the André Philidor (1652?-1730) collection, available online at Bibliotheque Gallica, BNF, Paris.
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