Galuppi, Baldassare, il Buranello (1706 - 1785)

Source of “Lætatus sum” in A major is the manuscript of the score (copyist: Baldan, c. 1741), Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus.2973-D-37, RISM ID no.: 212006092. Caption title: “Letatus sum a 4|o | Concertato con Strumti | Del Sig.|r Buranello Veneto”.

Source of “Dixit Dominus” in C major is the autograph of the score (1763), Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059, Rari 1.9.3(1), identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0085496. Caption title: “Dixit a'4.o con Ist.ti / di Baldassar Galuppi d.tto Buranello maestro della”.

The source of Concerto is a manuscript of separate parts, Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek, Carolina Rediviva (S-Uu), Gimo 112, RISM ID no.: 190008394. Title on source: “Concerto da Camera 2.o | Del Sig | r | e Baldassare Galuppi”.

The source of “sinfonia”, possibly an alternative overture of the cantata “La Scusa” (1780), is a manuscript of the score, online available at Gallica, BNF, département Musique, MS-1908. Caption title: “altra Sinfonia meno streppitosa / Buranello”.

The source of cantata “La Scusa” (1780) in a manuscript of the score, online available at Gallica, BNF, département Musique, D-4298. Caption title: “La Scusa / Cantata à voce sola di Contralto / Del Sig. Baldassar Galuppi d.o il Buranello / 1780”.

The source of cantata “La Gelosia” (1782) in a manuscript of the score, online available at Gallica, BNF, département Musique, D-4297. Caption title: “La Gelosia / Cantata à voce sola con / Istromenti / Di Baldassar Galuppi d. Buranello / 1782”.

Source of Concerto is the ms. of separate parts available at Utile Dulci Collection, Stockholm Royal Library.

Source of Concerto is the ms. of score Ms n. DM90133200810, Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli. Caption title: Demofoonte, / Opera in tre atti, Poesia di Metastasio / [other hand] Overtur[e] a piu Strumenti / Del Baldassar Galuppi detto il Buranello”.
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