Ouverture a 4 "l'Omphale" [TWV 55:e8]
The main source of Overture in E minor TWV 55:e8 is a manuscript of parts Mus.ms 1034/69, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, RISM ID no. 450003113. Caption title: “Ouverture | à | Violino. 1. | Violino. 2. | Viola e | Basso. | del Signore | Telemann. | l’Omphale.”. An alternate source was consulted for ornaments and accidentals (Mus.2392-N-18, SLUB Dresden). This second source includes Oboe and Fagotto parts as ripieno instruments.

Friday, November 8, 2019
Release notes:
Version 1.0
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