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Beatus vir a quattro voci e strumenti [RV 795]

Source of “Beatus vir” RV 795 is the ms. of the score, online available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus.2973-D-32, RISM Id n. 212006307. Caption title: „Beatus Vir | a quattro Voci con Strumenti | del Sig.e Baldassar Galuppi, detto Buranello“, misattributed to Galuppi by the copyist of Venezia Iseppo Baldan. The parts “Con il Basso” were transcribed to the lower octave, when possible. The score was published with the original clefs, and the parts with currently used clefs.
Sample page — 493x
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Release notes: 
Version 1.0