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Il Riposo per il S.S. Natale [RV 270]

The source of Concerto “Il Riposo per il S.S. Natale” RV 270, in E major, is the autograph manuscipt of the score, Fondo Giordano, Volume 34 (p. 88r-95r), Bi­blioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title: „Il Riposo Per il S.S Natale del Vivaldi / Con[cer]to: con tutti gli Istrom[en]ti sempre sordini“. Version 1.0 has been published on September 15, 2014. Version 1.1, with currently used clefs in score and parts, has been published on October, 29, 2018. Version 1.2, including other editorial improvements, has been published on October 29, 2020.
Sample page — 319x
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Release notes: 
Version 1.2

News & Comments

Publication of version 1.2, including editorial improvements.

Publication of version 1.1 with currently used clefs in score and parts.