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Zaïs Ballet Heroïque Ouverture (1748)

There are several sources of the Overture, each with significant variants, especially in the first part of the work. The available sources are: a) the modern edition by Vincent D’Indy (1851-1931) “Oeuvres complètes, Tome XVI”, Durand, 1911, IMSLP; b) the edition by Boivin - Le Clerc, Paris, 1748: “Zaïs, ballet héroïque mis en musique... exécuté pour la 1re fois par l'Académie royale de musique le 29 février 1748...”, Gallica, BNF, Paris; c) the same edition with Rameau’s own handwriting, Gallica, BNF, Paris; d) a 1757 manuscript of the score, Gallica, BNF, Paris; e) a manuscript of separate parts (ca. 1750-1770), Gallica, BNF, Paris.
Sample page — 277x
Sunday, December 8, 2019
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Version 1.0

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Publication of Flute I part in violin clef. The previous version was in french clef. Many thanks to Mr Antony Kightley for notifying the mistake.