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Le Malade Imaginaire – Suite

The suite includes 13 movements from the holograph of the score of “Le Malade imaginaire” [H. 495 and H. 495a], Mélanges autographes: volume XVI and volume VII, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The suite includes the revision of three overtures previously published : “Ouverture du Prologue du Malade imaginaire dans sa splendeur”, “Ouverture / Le Malade imaginaire avec les deffences (!) [H495a]“ and “Ouverture - Cerimonie des Medecins.
Sample page — 207x
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Release notes: 
Version 1.0

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Haute-contre part: measures 21 and 29, first note F# (# not present in the original source). Publication of the updated version 1.1.