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Concerto in Fa maggiore per Violino e Violoncello

The source of the Concerto is the manuscript of the parts with title (by Pisendel): “Concerto | a | Violoncello concert. | Violino concert | 2 Violins | and Basso | [at bottom, right:] del Sig.|r|e Giovanni | a Roma”. Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB), Dresden (D-Dl), Mus.2994-O-1, Rism: 212001672. The concerto is attributed by conjecture to Giovanni Bononcini who was in Rome during the period of Pisendel’s stay in Italy (1716-1717). Other authors attribute the concerto to the Roman musician Giovanni Battista Costanzi nicknamed “Giovannino del violoncello”. There are also interventions by Pisendel.
Sample page — 26x
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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Version 1.0