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Bach, Johann Christian (1735 - 1782)

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The aria is included in the third Act of “Catone in Utica”. First performance: Napoli, Teatro San Carlo, 1761. Sources are: 1. a mss. of the score included in the collection: ““Overtura / Arie tutte del Catone in Utica / del Dig. D. Giovanni Bach”, IT\ICCU\MSM\ 0155083, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella (I-NC); 2. a mss. of the score Mss. 2556, Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma (I-Rc). Caption title: “Aria del Sig.r Bach”.

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Source of “Quartetto” Op. 18 is a ms. of separate parts online available at Giedde’s Collection, ms. IV,37 mu 6212.1645, The Royal Library, Copenhagen. It is a transcription of a quartet published posthumous as Op. 19 by Preston, London, 1783 and later published in Frankfurt as Op. 18.

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The source is a 375 pages ms available at Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli with Id no. Ms. DM02032101093. It includes several compositions by J. C. Bach and a “Concerto per Cembalo”. The sonata is in three separate parts. Caption title is: “Trio / A' Due Violini, é / Basso / Del Sig:r / Giovanni Cristiano Bach”.

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