Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714 - 1788)

The sources of Sonata in G major for Clavier / Cembalo, Violin and Violoncello [Wq 90/2, H. 523] are: 1) manuscript of parts, Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (D-LEb)) Go. S. 36, RISM ID no.: 200018200; 2) printed edition by B. C. Breitkopf, Leipzig, 1776, IMSLP.

The sources of Sonata in A minor for Clavier, Violin and Violoncello [Wq 90/1, H. 522] are: 1) manuscript of parts, Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (D-LEb)) Go. S. 36, RISM ID no.: 200018200; 2) printed edition by B. C. Breitkopf, Leipzig, 1776, IMSLP.

The main source of Concerto for Cembalo in F major (Wq 33, H. 443, 1755) is the holograph manuscript of the score, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), Bach P 324 (2), RISM ID no.: 467035402. Caption title: “Concerto a Cembalo, 2 Violini, Viola e Basso di CPE Bach. [below to the right, with pencil:] 1755”. A second source consulted is the partially holograph manuscript of separate parts, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), Bach P 338, RISM ID no.: 1001021442.

The source of Concerto for Cembalo in D major (Wq 27, H. 433, 1750) is the autograph of the score, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), Bach P 355 (3), RISM ID no.: 467035503.

The source of Sonatina VI B flat major (Wq. 110, H. 459) is a manuscript of separate parts, Berlin, Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, Notenarchiv (D-Bsa), SA 4835, RISM ID no.: 469483500. Caption title: “SONATINA. V. [later corrected: "VI."] in B| a | 7. Strom: | [incipit] | Cembalo Obligato. | 2. Violini | 2. Flauti | Viola | e | Basso Ripieno | Dell. Sigl: C.P.E. Bach”.

The source of Concerto for Violoncello in A minor (Wq. 170, H. 432, 1750 ca.) is the autograph of the score, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikkabteilung(D-B) , Bach P 355 (1), RISM ID no.: 467035501. Caption title: “Concerto a Violoncello obl. 2 Violini Viola e Basso di CPE Bach”. This concerto exists in later versions for cembalo and flute.

The source of Concerto for Violoncello in B major (Wq 171, H. 436, 1751) is the manuscript of parts, Stockholm, Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (Stockholm, Musik- och teaterbiblioteket (S- Skma)) - Alströmer saml. 146:19, RISM ID no.: 190009579. Caption title: “B dur. | Concerto. | à | Violoncello Concertato. | Due Violini | Viola. | Basso Ripieno. | da. | C. P. E. Bach.” This concert is an arrangement of the Cembalo Concert Wq 28, H. 434.

The source of Concerto for Cembalo in B major (Wq 36, H. 447, 1762) is the autograph of the score, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B), Bach P 356 (3), RISM ID no.: 467035603. Caption title: “Concerto | a | Cembalo conc: | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Basso | di C. P. E. Bach. ”

The source of Concerto in F major Wq 38, H. 454 is a transcription from the autograph score ( Bach P 356 (5), Rism Id no. 467035605), online available at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz).

Source of Trio in G major, Wq 144 is the manuscript 6360 (2), Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Bibliothèque - Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Bibliotheek (B-Bc). Cover title: “G. dur. | Trio. | a | Flauto Traverso. | Violino | e | Basso. | da C. P. E. Bach. | [Incipit]”. Rism Id no: 703000267.

Source of Trio in B minor, Wq 143 is the manuscript 6360 (1), Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Bibliothèque - Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel, Bibliotheek (B-Bc). Cover title: “H. moll. | Trio. | a | Flauto Traverso. | Violino. | e | Basso. | da C.P.E.Bach. | [Incipit]”. Rism Id no: 703000266.

The source of the Sinfonia in E major (1773 – Wq.182/6, H.662) is the autograph manuscript of the score, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn) W-1 (1). Caption title: “Sinfonia VI a 2 Violini, Violetta e Basso da C. F. E. Bach.”.

The source of Concerto in C minor (Wq 5, HelB 407, 1739), is the manuscript of separate parts, copyist Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach, 970, RISM ID no.: 450001712, online available at Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), Darmstadt. Cover title: ”Concerto Cb. | per il | Cembalo Concertato | accompagnato | da | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Basso. di C. P. E. Bach | [Incipit]”.

The source of Concerto for Cembalo in G minor (Wq 32, 1754) is the manuscript of separate parts, mu 6309.1730, RISM ID no.: 150203922, available online at the Copenhagen Royal Library (Det Kongelige Bibliotek). Transcription and revision by Ernesto Sparago.

The source of the Quartet in G major (1788, Wq 95, H. 539) is the holograph manuscript of the score, available at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Germany, SA 3328, Rism Id. no. 469332801. Caption title: “Quartett fürs Clavier, Flöte u. Bratsche, Von C. P. E. Bach”.

The present edition of Flute Concerto in D minor Wq 22 is a transcription from score and parts (N. Mus. SA 2583, Rism Id no. 469258300), online available at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz).

The source of the Sinfonia in G (1773 - Wq 182/1) is the printed edition of the score, published by Henry Litolff’s Verlag / C. F. Peters, edited by Traugott Fedke (1975), online available at the Petrucci Music Library.

The present edition is a transcription from the autograph score (N. Mus. SA 4, Rism Id no. 466000294), online available at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz). Caption title (by other hand): „Partitur des Doppelkonzertes / aus / Es Dur / von / C. P. E. Bach / Im Jahr 1788 verfertiget“. Original caption title "Concerto da C. P. E. Bach".

The source of Sinfonia in E minor (1756 - Wq 178) is a ms. of separate parts, online available at the Copenhagen Royal Library, Giedde’s Collection.

The source of Concerto (1772 - Wq 43,2) is the 1772 printed edition of separate parts, online available at the Copenhagen Royal Library.

The present edition is a transcription from the autograph score (ms. Mus. ms. autogr. Bach P 769 online available at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz). Caption title: „No. 35 / G d. / Concert für die Flöte, / bey / C.P.E. Bach“. This score also serves for the organ concerto, Wq 34, which is identical to the flute concerto, except for some passages. In fact, some ornaments in the flute part are those specific ones of the organ part.

The reference source of Sonatina III (1766 - Wq 108) is the ancient printed edition of separate parts, available online at Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The source of Concerto Wq 25 is the ancient printed edition of separate parts, published in Nürnberg in 1745.

The source of Concerto (1772 - Wq 43,3) is the 1772 printed edition of separate parts, available online at Copenhagen Royal Library.

The source of Trio in F major (1755) Wq 163 is the urtext Edition Schott 10170, London, 1951, available online at Petrucci Music Library.

Source of Divertimento[H. 642] is a manuscript of separate parts published at the Digital Library of Wroclaw University. In cover page the piece is assigned to C. P. E. Bach, while the style is more likely that of his brother Johann Christian. Nonetheless it appears in the Helm catalogue, but not in Wotquenne.

The reference source of Trio Wq 161/1,, University of Rochester Library, has the following caption title: „ZWEY TRIO, / das erste für / zwey VIOLINEN und BASS, / das zweyte für / I. QUERFLÖTE, I. VIOLINE und BASS, / bey welchen beyden aber die eine von den / Obers-timmen auch auf dem Flügel / gespielet werden kan: / ... / von / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Königl. Preussischen Cammer Musicus. / Nürnberg...“.

Source of Trio Wq 161/2 is a 1748 printed edition available at University of Rochester Library, with caption title: “ZWEY TRIO, / das erste für / zwey VIOLINEN und BASS, / das zweyte für / I. QUERFLÖTE, I. VIOLINE und BASS, / bey welchen beyden aber die eine von den / Oberstimmen auch auf dem Flügel / gespielet werden kan: / ... / von / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Königl. Preussischen Cammer Musicus. / Nürnberg...”.
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