Heinichen, Johann David (1683 - 1729)

The source of Concert for two transverse Flutes in D major [H deest] is a manuscript of parts, Lund, (Lund, (S-L)), Saml.Engelhart 270, RISM ID no.: 190002800. Title: “Concerto a 6.ex D:x. | 2 Flaut Traverser | Violino Primo. | Violino Secundo. | Viola | et | Basso. | Singr Heinick.”.

The source of Concert for two Oboes in E minor [SeiH 229] is a manuscript of the score, Darmstadt, (Darmstadt, (D-DS)), 240/9, RISM ID no.: 450002597. Title: “Concerto. Del Sigre Heinichen | Oboe 1. | Oboe2.|Viol:1.|2.|Viola|Cembalo.”.

The source of Sinfonia in D major [SeiH 207] is the manuscript of parts, Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)), Mus.2398-N-1, RISM ID no.: 212002501.

The sources of Sinfonia in F major [SeiH 209] are: 1) for the first two movements: the autograph manuscript of the score (1719), Dresden, (D-Dl), Mus.2398-L-3, RISM ID no.: 212006383 and 2) for the other movements: the manuscript of the parts Dresden, (D-Dl), Mus.2398-N-3, RISM ID no.: 212001690. Title of the autograph manuscript: “Serenata | di Moritzburg | li 6. Ottob: 1719 | di | Heinichen. [cover title] Serenata di Moritzb: di Heinichen”. Title of Pisendel's copy: “Sinfonia a CC. Flauti Hautb. VV. e. B. del Heinichen”.

The sources of sonatas are: 1) Sonata in Sol maggiore per Flauto traverso, Oboe e Basso [S. 243], ms. of the score, Darmstadt, (D-DS), 240/15, Rism id: 450002603, title: “Sonata à Flauto traverso, Oboa, e Basso. | de Sigre | Heinichen.”; 2) Sonata in Fa maggiore per Flauto traverso, Violino e Basso [S. 256], ms. of parts (copyist Pisendel), Dresden, (D-Dl), Mus.2398-Q-1, Rism id: 212003217, title: “Trio | [unreadable] | del | Sigre Heinichen.”; 3) Sonata in Sol maggiore per Flauto traverso / Oboe, Violino e Basso [S. 246], ms. of the score, Darmstadt, (D-DS), 240/16, Rism id: 450002604, title: “Sonata. Del Sign: Heinichen. | Oboe. | Violino. | Basso.”.

The source of concerto in F major [SeiH 233] is the manuscript of the score (copyist Pisendel), Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl), Mus. 2398-O-10, RISM ID no.: 212002510. Caption title: “Concerto con Corni da Caccia del Sig.|re Heinichen”.

The source of concerto in F major [SeiH 232] is the manuscript of the score (copyist Pisendel), Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl)), Mus. 2398-O-6, RISM ID no.: 212002506. Caption title: “Concerto del Sig: Heinichen”.

The source of concerto in F major [SeiH 234] is the manuscript of the score (copyist Pisendel), Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D- Dl)), Mus. 2398-O-7, RISM ID no.: 212002507. Caption title: “Concerto con Corni da Caccia del Heinichen”.

The source of the antiphony “Alma Redemptoris Mater” in F major [SeiH 22] is the holograph manuscript of the score, Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl)), Mus. 2398-E-2, RISM ID no.: 212006337. Caption title: “Alma Redemptoris (4tum) à voce sola con Strom di Giov. Heinichen [on a pasted label: 14] di Giov: Heinichen.”.

The sources of “Sonata a 4” in G major, HauH 3.17, are: 1. a manuscript of parts, Universität Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek: Abt. Sondersammlungen, Musikalien (D-ROu), Mus.Saec.XVII: 18.-14.|1|6, RISM ID no.: 212002044; 2. a manuscript of parts, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) Mus.2-Q-11, RISM ID no.: 212002044.

The source of Concerto in G major, Seibel 220, HauH 1.9, is the manuscript of parts, Universität Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek: Abt. Sonder- sammlungen, Musikalien (D-ROu), Mus.Saec.XVII:14|1|9, RISM ID no.: 200044365. Caption title: “no: 21 | Concerto | Flauto Trauerso | Violoncello | Bassone | e Cembalo | Del. Sigr Heinichein | Gx”.

The source of Concerto in F major, 235, HauH 1.19a, is the ms. of the score copied by Pisendel, Mus.2398-O-8, RISM ID no.: 212002508, available at Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden. Caption title: “Concerto à Violino. Oboe Travers. e Corni del Heinichen”. Movements 3 and 5 are equivalent, with slight variations, to movements 1 and 3 of the holograph manuscript of the Sonata for orchestra by Heinichen, 2398-N-5. According to Fechnerl (1999) it may be a Pasticcio compiled of several works by Heinichen.

The source of Concerto in G, Seibel 214, HauH 1.4a, is the ms. of the score, 240/7, RISM ID no.: 450002595, available at the Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt. Title on source: “Concerto a 7. 2 Hautb. 2 Violin. | 2 Viol. e Bass: | del Sign. | Heinichen”.

Source of “Sonata a 3 ” in Bb major, HauH 3.20b, SeiH 257, is a manuscript of the score, Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-DS), 240/14, RISM ID no.: 450002602. Caption title: “2 Hautb: Fagott et Cembalo del Sig: Heinichen”. An autograph version of the same sonata with caption title: ”Sonata à 3. col Cembalo. di Giov. Heinichen“ and a date (May 1726), is available at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B).

Source of “Concerto per flauto traversiere” in D major is a manuscript of the scoce (copyist: C. Graupner), Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D- DS), 240/10, RISM ID no.: 450002598. Caption title: “Concerto del Sigr. Heinichen / Flut. Trav. / Viol. 1. / Viol. 2 / Viol. / Cemb:”

Source of Concerto in G, Seibel 205, HauH 2.1, is the ms. of the score, 30240 (9), RISM ID no.: 455033272 available at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B).

Source of Concerto in G, Seibel 215, HauH 1.3a, is the ms. of the score, 240/6, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

Source of Sonata a 3 [Seibel 254, HWv III:16] is a ms. of the score [RISM A 2, 467300011], ancient owner J. Ph. Kirnberger, online available at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung, Berlin. Caption title: „Sonata a 3 Voc. di Heinichen “.

Source of „Sonata“ in A major (SeiH 208) is a ms. of separate parts (copyist: J. G. Morgenstern), with caption title: „Sonata“, Mus. 2398-N-2, RISM-A/II-212003231, Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, SLUB, Dresden.

Source of „Concerto“ in G major (Seibel 213 and HauH 1:7a) is a ms. of the score transcribed by Pisendel, with caption title: „Concerto con Violino, Oboe, e Travers. del Heinichen“,, RISM 212002503, Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden, SLUB, Dresden.

Source of “Concerto grosso” in G, Seibel 217, HauH 1.2, is the ms. of the score, 240/4, RISM ID no. 450002592.

Source of Concerto Seibel 238 H.1.22a is the manuscript of the parts, 240/2, available at Digitale Sammlungen, ULB Darmstadt.

The source of Concerto SeiH 226 is a ms. of the score Mus.2398-V-1, copied by Pisendel, available at Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden. Caption title: “Concerto à Violino. Flaut Trav: Oboi Tiorba Conc. Violoncello Conc. VV. e Basso del Heinichen”. On cover label in black ink: “Schranc[...] II / 14. Fach 2[...] / [...] / Flauti conc: Tiorbe [...] / Viola e Bass[...] / Partitura sola. / Del [...] / [incipit]”. RISM Id no. 212002515.

The source of the Pastorale in A major SeiH 242 is a possibly autograph ms. of the score Mus.2398-O-13, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB Dresden. On the same site is available a ms. of the separate parts, some of them transcribed in C major. This second source includes a version for flute of the concertante oboe parts and the oboe ripieno and fagotto parts. The present edition follows the primary source, but, in addition, includes the oboe ripieno and fagotto parts.

Source of „Concerto grosso“ in C major (Seibel 211 e HWV I: 1) is a copy of the printed edition Breitkopf & Härtel, 1938 „Gruppen-Konzerte der Bachzeit“, which includes music by Telemann, Fasch and Heinichen.

Source of Trio [Seibel 247, HWv III:10] is the ms. of parts under the signature Ms. Musica Saec. XVII 18. 1411, Universitätsbibliothek, Rostock, edited by Kurt Janetzky, Pro Musica Verlag, Ed. 250, online available at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München. Caption title: “Trio / à 1 Traversière / 1 Baßon Concert / et / Violoncello (Cembalo) / del Sigr: Heinichen”.
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