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Hotteterre, Jacques Martin “le Romain” (ca. 1674 - 1763)

Score first page — 367x

La fonte delle 6 Sonate è l’edizione antica delle "Sonates en Trio / pour les Flûtes Traversieres, Flûtes a Bec, Violons, Hautbois, &c. /… / Par M.r Hotteterre le Romain / … / Livre Premier / OEuvre Troisième / ... / M.DCCXII.“, BNF, Paris.

Version 2.0 - Complete transcription of 6 Sonates en Trio Op. III, Livre I (1712) by Hotteterre le Romain. The score has the original clefs, while separate parts have presently used clefs.
Sample — 376x

The original score of the Preludes is included in Opus VII, published in Paris, 1719, with the following title: “L’ART DE PRELUDER /SUR LA FLÛTE TRAVERSIERE / Sur la Flûte a bec, Sur le Haubois, / et autres Instrumens de Dessus / …“. This material is available on Petrucci Music Library. This edition includes the transposition in the violin clef and the transpositions proposed by Hotteterre at the end of each Prelude.

Version 1.0 with a new editorial format.