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Albinoni, Tomaso (1671 - 1751)

Sample page — 413x

The source is the autograph of the score available at Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitäts- bibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) , Mus.2199-R- 5, RISM ID no.: 212001522. References are: TalAl So 33, RosA II.A.1.9.5. The manuscript was brought by Pisendel in 1717 from Venice.

Version 1.0
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The source is the autograph of the score available at Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitäts- bibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl) , Mus.2199-R- 1, RISM ID no.: 212001583. References are: GiaA 108, TalAl So32, RosA II.A.1.12.3. Caption title: “Sonata a Violino | solo | di me Tomaso Albinoni | Composta p il Sig: | Pisendel”.

Version 1.0
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The source of Concerto VIII Op. 7 by Albinoni is a printed edition of separate parts with caption title “Concerti a Cinque”, Estienne Roger, Amsterdam, 1717. The edition is online available at Petrucci Music Library.

Version 2.0 with a revised editorial format.
Sample — 433x

The reference source is a ms. of separate parts Mus. 2199-N-2. This Sinfonia in g has been classified by: GiaA 110, TalAl Si 7, RosA II.D.2.3.1.  In this version it could be an arrangement of a symphony for a string orchestra to the needs of the Dresda orchestra: flutes and oboes are always doubling the violin parts. Even bassoon is doubling the bass part.

Version 1.0 with a new editorial format.
Sample — 435x

Source is a ms of 18 separate parts Mus. 2199-N-4, Digitale Sammlungen, SLUB Dresden. Several authors classified this Sinfonia: GiaA 112, TalAl Mi 2, RosA II.D.2.1.1. Possibly, it is an arrangement for the Dresden Orchestra of a Sinfonia for oboes and strings by Albinoni. In fact, almost always flutes double violins and in the first movement fall below the usual instrument range.

Version 1.0 was published on August 18, 2009. On July 21, 2013 it was published with a new editorial format.
Sample — 505x

Source, available at International Music Library Project (IMSLP22141-PMLP50761), is a printed edition of six parts by John Walsh, London (no date). Caption title: „ALBINONIS CONCERTOS / in Seven Parts / for three / VIOLINS TENORS / and / BASS VIOLIN / with a / THROUGH BASS / for the / HARPSICHORD / Compos'd by / TOMASO ALBINONI / Opera Secunda”. The Viola Tenor part is not included, while the remaining six parts follow the first edition of Opera Seconda (G. Sala, Venezia, 1700).

Version 1.0
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Source is a digitized copy of a printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, c. 1730: “CONCERTI A CINQUE / Con Violini, Oboè, Violetta, Violoncello / e Basso Continuo / Del (!) Signori / G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, / F. M. Veracini, G. S.t Martin, / A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri / Libro Secondo / A Amsterdam / Chez / Michel Charles Le Céne Libraire / N.o 433”. Concerto No. XI on one of the five concertos without opus number, already published by J. Roger in 1717/18, with multiple errors copied by Le Céne. For a detailed analysis look at Fabrizio Ammetto, „La produzione strumentale di Tomaso Albinoni (I) - I Concerti per violino senza numero d'opus“ Hortus Musicus N° 12 October-Dicember 2002. The edition is available at Digitale Bibliotek - Münchener Digitalisierung­zentrum ( 20734-2).

Version 1.0
Sample — 526x

The source is a 1746 ms. of separate parts, partly autograph in the Violino secondo part, available at Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli, IT\ICCU\MSM\0084782.

Version 1.0