Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643 - 1704)

The sources are the holographs of the score, Mélanges autographes, Gallica, BNF Paris. Caption titles: 1) “Après Confitebor/ Antienne” H.516 pour 2 fls, cordes (4), bc, XVII (1675), 2) “Après Beati omnes/ Antienne” H.517 pour cordes (4), bc, XVII (1675), 3) “Antienne pour les violons, flûtes et hautbois à quatre parties“ H.532 pour 2 fls, hbs, cordes (4), bc, X (ca 1691).

The sources of Regina Cœli H.31 and H.16 and of “Veni sponsa Christi” H.17 are the holographs of the score, Mélanges autographes: volume 8 [H.31], volume I [H.16] and [H.17], Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The sources of Antenne H.525 and of Antenne H.526 are the holographs of the score, Mélanges autographes: volume IX Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The source of the instrumental suite from “Circé” H.496 is the holograph of the score, Mélanges autographes: volume XVII, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The source of the instrumental suite from “L’inconnu” H.499 is the holograph of the score, Mélanges autographes: volume XVII, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The source of “Offerte non encore exécutée” H.522 is the holograph of the score, Mélanges autographes: volume XVII, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The publication includes the Ouverture and 12 movements from the holograph of the score of “Polieucte” [H. 498], Mélanges autographes: volume XVII, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The source is the autograph of the score, Mélange XXIII, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique (F-Pn), RES VM1- 259 (23), RISM ID no.: 840024322. The manuscript is almost flawless, but some doubts remain about the handling of accidentals.

The source is the autograph of the score, „Mélange XXV“, BNF, Paris, online available at the digital library Gallica.

The suite includes 13 movements from the holograph of the score of “Le Malade imaginaire” [H. 495 and H. 495a], Mélanges autographes: volume XVI and volume VII, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The suite includes the revision of three overtures previously published : “Ouverture du Prologue du Malade imaginaire dans sa splendeur”, “Ouverture / Le Malade imaginaire avec les deffences (!) [H495a]“ and “Ouverture - Cerimonie des Medecins.

The source is the printed edition of a 12 motets collection, edited by J. Edouard (printed by Roussel), 1709, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique (F-Pn), VM1 - 1137, RISM A/I C 1917. Caption title: “Motets mêlez de symphonie ... [1er livre]”.

The sources of “Les Arts Florissans” H. 487 are: 1) the autograph of the score in Mélange 7 p. 63, and 2) the autograph of separate parts VM6-18. Both sources are online available at Gallica, BNF, France. The transcription by Canberra Baroque Editions, 2017, online available at IMSLP, was consulted.

The source is the autograph of the score, „Mélange XXIII“, BNF, Paris, online available at the digital library Gallica.

The source is the autograph of the score, „Mélange XXIII“, BNF, Paris, online available at the digital library Gallica.

The source of Antienne [H.525] and of Antienne [H.526] is the autograph manuscript of the score included in Mélanges autographes: volume IX (ca 1690), Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph score is almost flawless except for the rare omission of accidentals.

The edition is an extract from “Mèdée” H.491 including: “Chaconne”, aria “L’Italienne”, “Choeur”, “Passacaille” and “Suite de la Passacaille”. The source is the printed edition by C. Ballard, 1694, available at Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique (F-Pn) 2 Ex, Rism Id no.: 00000990009372. The ancient edition includes some mistakes and the usual omission of slurs, ties, accidentals and ornaments.

The source of these pieces [H.509, 510, 511 and 512)], I (1673-74), is an autograph of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume I, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph score is almost flawless except for the rare omission of accidentals.

The source of “Pour un reposoir” [H.508], I (1673), is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume I, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph score is almost flawless except for the rare omission of accidentals.

The source of “Messe pour plusieurs instruments au lieu des orgues” [H.513], I (1674-76), is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume I, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph score is almost flawless except for the rare omission of accidentals.

The source of “Pour le sacre d'un évêque pour cordes” [H.518] (5), III (1679), is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume III, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph score is almost flawless except for the rare omission of accidentals.

The source is the autograph ms. „Mélange V“, BNF, Paris, online available at the digital library Gallica.

The source of: “Ouverture du Prologue du Malade imaginaire dans sa splendeur”, “Ouverture / Le Malade imaginaire avec les deffences (!) [H495a]“ and “Ouverture - Cerimonie des Medecins”, from “Le Malade imaginaire” [H. 495], is an autograph ms. of the scores, included in Mélanges autographes: volume XVI, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The autograph scores are almost flawless, but some notes are difficult to read.

The source of “Ouverture de la Comtesse d'Escarbagnas, Intermèdes nouveaux du Mariage forcé H.494 (Molière) pour 3 vx, cordes (4), bc, XVI (1672) is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume XVI, Gallica, BNF, Paris. The source of “Ouverture pour le sacre d'un évêque H.536 pour 2 fls, hbs, cordes (4), bc, V (ca 1695)” is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume V, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The reference source of: “Marche de triomphe pour les violons, trompettes, timbales, flûtes et hautbois, Second air de trompettes, violons, flûtes et hautbois et timbales” H.547, X (ca 1691), is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume X, Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The reference source of the Missa sex vocibus cum simphonia [H 11, 1699-1704], is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume XXVII, Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. A second source in a partly autograph ms. of separate parts available at Gallica digital library, BNF, Paris. While the autograph score is almost flawless, the parts are not at the same level of precision.

The Preludes have been extracted from the autograph scores: „Te Deum à 8 voix avec flûtes et violons“ [H.145 pour 8 vx, ch. à 8, fls, hbs, cordes (8), bc, Mélange XV (1672)], and „Te Deum“ [H.146 pour 5 vx, ch. à 4, 2 fls, 2 hbs, tp, cordes (4), b. de tp, tb, bc, Mélange X (ca 1692)]. Mélange XV is online available at Gallica, BNF, Paris.

The reference source of the Sonate pour 2 flûtes allemandes, 2 dessus de violon, une basse de viole, une basse de violon à 5 cordes, un clavecin et un théorbe[H 548], is an autograph of the 8 separate parts kindly submitted by Richard Civiol, theorbist of the ensemble „Les musiciens de Mlle de Guise. The ms is available at Biblioteque nationale de France, Département de la musique, F-Pn Vm7 4813.

The source is the autograph ms. „Mélange XXIII“, BNF, Paris, available online at the digital library Gallica.

The source is the autograph ms. „Mélange XXIII“, BNF, Paris, available online at the digital library Gallica.

The reference source of the "Offerte Pour l’orgue et Pour / les violons flûtes et hautbois" [H 514], is an autograph ms. of the score, included in Mélanges autographes: volume 15, Gallica digital library, BNF, Paris. the editor transcribed the manuscript as it is, leaving the original clefs. The separate parts have modern clefs.

The reference source of Magnificat a 3 voix [H. 73] is an autograph of the score published in the digital library Gallica, BNF (M-A. Charpentier, Mélange XV).

Source of Simphonies pour un Reposoir [H 515] is an autograph of the score published in the digital library Gallica, BNF (M-A. Charpentier, Melange XV). The ms. was transcribed as it is, except for the use of modern keys in separate parts for practical performance.

The complete score of “Les Plaisirs de Versailles” is available on YouTube with the reference “Les plaisirs de Versailles (1/3) – Christie”. The original ms is available at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la musique.

Source of the instrumental suite extracted from „David & Jonathas“ is the ms. of the score, available online at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: 'David et / Jonathas / Tragedie mise / En musique par M.r / Charpentier / Et / Representeé sur le Theatre du College de / Louis le Grand le / XXV. fevrier 1688. / Recueilie par Philidor Laisné / En 1690.'. According to „Libretto“ the first representation is dated February 28, 1690.
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