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Sonata VII in Re maggiore per Flauto, 2 Violini, Violoncello e Basso

The source is a ms. of separate parts, dated 1725, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di Musica S. Pietro a Majella, Napoli. It includes 24 sonatas of different authors. Seven sonatas of the collection are by Alessandro Scarlatti.
Sample page — 313x
Monday, March 19, 2012
Release notes: 
Version 1.1

News & Comments

Publication of version 1.1 correcting some copyist and transcription mistakes (thanks to Bob Tennent for notifications) and revising the editorial format. List of mistakes corrected: [1.] Allegro, 2 viol. bar 8, last note e. [2.] Adagio, bass, bar 23, figures are <flat 5> on the first quarter, <7> on the second one. [3.] Fuga, bar 5, 2nd violin, 4th note should be an e; bar 9, flute, last note is d; bar 15, 1st violin, third note is c and not b; 2nd violin, bar 75, 2nd note fis; bars 77 and 78, 1st violin, fis and not a; bar 90, 1st violin, 4th note should be an a. [5.] Allegro, bar 10, bass, last note e and not fis; bar 22, bass, 1st note e and not c; bar 24, bass, 1st figure is <5> and not <6>; bar 38, 2nd violin, 1st note should be an a; bar 42, 1st violin, 2nd note g and not gis.