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Quatuor in Mi maggiore [CSWV D:7]

The edition is a transcription from the score (SA 3537, Rism Id no. 469353700), online available at the Sing-Akademie zu Berlin, Notenarchiv (D-Bsa). Caption title: “| Quatuor in E.# | â | [incipit] | Flauto: Trav: ô Violino: Imo | Violino: | Viola | e | Basso Continuo | di Sigr: Schaffrath.”.
Sample page — 275x
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Release notes: 
Version 1.0

News & Comments

Are there are going to be parts published for this quartet? I'm currently playing in a group with this combination. We very much liked the D maj Schaffrath quartet published here and would be anxious to give this companion piece an outing very soon.

Parts published on June 26, 2016.