Concerto per Violino, Organo e Oboe [RV 554]
Source of Concerto RV 554 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 255r-276v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to p[er] Viol[in]o Organo et Hautbois / ò pure 2 Violini et Hautbois / del Vivaldi “, and, lower side: “Vio[loncel]lo Questo Bas: Volendo cambiare l’Oboè in Violoncello”. The scripts suggest alternative combination of concertante instruments: with a second violin in place of organ and/or with cello in place of oboe.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Release notes:
Version 1.0
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Missing solos in the Cello solo part
A. Vivaldi - Concerto per Violino, Organo e Oboe [RV 554]
Great to see this wonderful