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Concerto per la Solennità della S. Lingua di S. Antonio in Padova [RV 212a ]

Source of Concerto RV 212a is the autograph of the score, Giordano, Volume 29 (p. 233R-244R), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Title on first page: “Con:to Del Vivaldi”. The title of this Concerto is in the version copied by Pisendel, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Uni- versitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus.2389-O-74, RISM ID no.: 212000137. Another source consulted is the transcription by G. F. Malipiero, F. I 136, published by Ricordi, Milano.
Sample page — 485x
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Release notes: 
Version 1.0