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Jommelli, Niccolò (1714 - 1774)

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The reference sources are: 1) Sonata in G major, manuscript of parts, Basel, (Basel, (CH-Bu)), kr IV 167, RISM ID no.: 400006532. Title: “Trio | à Flautto Traverso Prima & Secondo | & Basso | Sonata à Due Trauersiere è Basso | Del Sigr Nicolò Jommelli | Basso”; 2) Trio in D major, manuscript of parts, Karlsruhe, (Karlsruhe, (D-KA)), Mus. Hs. 224, RISM ID no.: 453002198. Title: “TRIO ex D. | à | Flauto Traverso Primo | Flauto Traverso Secondo | et | Basso | Del Sige. Nicola Jom̅elli”. In an alternative source the author is Domenico Mancinelli: Biblioteca privata Federico Ricardi di Netro (I-UDricardi), Ms. 59. Title: “Trio à due Flauti Traversieri | col Basso | Del Sig:re Domenico Mancinelli”.

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Among the numerous sources of “Missa pro defunctis”, I chose as a reference the manuscript of the score from the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, because it seems to be correct and complete ( For bass figures I also used the manuscript of the score from the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059 identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0152867.

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Among the numerous sources of “Missa pro defunctis”, I chose as a reference the manuscript of the score from the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, because it seems to be correct and complete ( For bass figures I also used the manuscript of the score from the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059 identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0152867.

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The source of Chaconne in Eb major is a manuscript of the score Mk 47b, Universitätsbibliothek der Eberhard Karls Universität (D-Tu) RISM ID no.: 455018303.

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The source of the aria “Voi tanto barbare stelle” is the autograph of the score (1760-1790), Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059; Segnatura: Rari 1.6.35(7).

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The source is a partly autograph manuscript of the score, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059 identifier: IT\ICCU\MSM\0085471. Caption title: “Sinfonia / Con piu Istromenti / Musica / Del D. Niccola Iommelli”.

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The source is a manuscript of separate parts, Langenburg, Fürstlich Hohenlohe-Langenburgsche Schlossbibliothek (D- LB) La 170 Bü 346, RISM ID no.: 450034551. Caption title: “Concerto Ex G. | Cembalo obligato | 2 Violino, | 2 Flauto, | 2 Corno, | Viola, | è | Basso, | Del Sig: Jomelli“.

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The source of “Veni sponsa Christi” is the autograph manuscript of the score (1740.1760), Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella - Napoli - IT-NA0059; Segnatura: Rari 1.6.35(10). Title of manuscript: “Veni Sponsa Christi a Canto Solo con V.V./Iommelli”.

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The source is a manuscript of separate parts, Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Günther Uecker, Musikaliensammlung, Mus.3006 RISM ID no.: 240002749. Caption title: “Concerto. | a. 10. | Clavi=Cembalo Principalo. | Corni. | Flauti. | Violini. | Viola. | & | Basso. | Del Sigl: Jommelli “.

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The source is a manuscript of the score, Biblioteca dell'Abbazia di Montecassino (I-MC), 3-C-13/3, RISM ID no.: 852029063. Caption title: “Concerto per Cembalo Solo / Con Violini è Basso / Del Signor D.n Niccolò Jommelli / … Per uso del Sig.r Cav. Capobianco “.

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The source is a manuscript of parts , Fürstlich zu Bentheim-Tecklenburgische Musikbibliothek (D-RH), Ms 429, RISM ID no.: 450016972. Caption title: “Napolitano a 4. Flauto traversier, violino primo, violino secundo et basso continuo“.

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The source of Chaconne in Eb major is a manuscript of the score Mk 47b, Universitätsbibliothek der Eberhard Karls Universität (D-Tu) RISM ID no.: 455018303.

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The source is a manuscript of the parts Mus. Hs. 223, RISM Id. no.: 453002197, Digitale Sammlung der Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe.Transcription and revision by Ernesto Sparago.

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Primary source is the ms Aalholm-samlingen III,1 AccNr. mu9709.2974,The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Caption title: ”No. 1 / Trio. per il. / Flauto Traverso. 1mo / Flauto Traverso 2do. / e / Basso. / Del Signore. Nicolo / Jomelli”. It is a collection of six trios, from which the first trio has been extracted for translation.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.