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Couperin, François (1683 - 1733)

Sample page — 319x

The source is a ms. of the score copied by Sébastien de Brossard between the years 1690 and 1710. It includes four trios. Three of them (La Pucelle, La Visionnaire e L’Astrée) have been included, after revision, in the collection “Les Nations”, published in 1726. Ms. is available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. L’Astrée was later included, with minor revisions, in La Piémontoise.

Version 1.0
Sample page — 364x

The source is the ms. of the score copied by Pisendel. Some parts of the sonata have been later included in “L’Impériale”, published in 1726 in the collection “Les Nations”. The manuscript is available in the digital collections of SLUB, Dresden.

Version 1.0
Score first page — 351x

The source is the ms of the score copied by Sébastien de Brossard between the years 1690 and 1710. It includes four trios. Three of them (La Pucelle, La Visionnaire e L’Astrée) have been included, after revision, in the collection “Les Nations”, published in 1726. Ms. is available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris.

Version 1.0
Sample — 347x

The source is the 1726 edition of separate parts of “Le Nations”, available at Petrucci Music Library.

Version 1.0
Sample — 390x

The source of the Mass is a ms. of the score (Manuscript musical 4) available online at Bibliothéque Municipale de Versailles, “Couperin / [Pièce d’orgue, contenant deux messes]”.

Version 1.0 with a new editorial format.
Sample — 441x

Source is the 1724 printed edition of the collection „Les Goûts-réünis“, Petrucci Music Library no. #29449. In case of ambiguities, the modern edition (1976) of Sonata edited by Musica Rara, Monteux, France MR 1844, was consulted.

Version 1.1 with a new editorial format and figured bass revision.
Sample — 401x

The source is the ms. of the score NUMM-109665 copied by the atelier Philidor, available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. Caption title: “Mottets, a voix seule, / deux Et Trois parties / Et Symphonies / de M.r Couperin”.

Version 1.1