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Carelio, Antonio (Chiarelli, Andrea) (1675 - 1699)

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The source is the printed edition of the score, included in the collection: “Suonate / a Tre / Due Violini e Violone / Col Basso per l’Organo”, Estienne Roger, 1710 Amsterdam, Rism Id no. 00000990008799, University of Virginia, Alderman Library (US-CHua), copy owned by the publisher. According to Fabrizio Longo the sonatas must be attributed to the musician and lutist from Messina Andrea Chiarelli (“Tra Roma, Napoli e Messina. Andrea Chiarelli e le Suonate musicali del 1699. Ipotesi per un’attribuzione”, Archivio Storico Messinese n. 98, 2017).

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Sample page — 324x

The source is the printed edition of the score, included in the collection: “Suonate / a Tre / Due Violini e Violone / Col Basso per l’Organo”, Estienne Roger, 1710, Amsterdam, Rism Id no.: 00000990008799, University of Virginia, Alderman Library (US-CHua).

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