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Sonate pour la Flûte à bec [ Livre de Pièces, 1712]

Source is the 1712 edition of: „ Livre de Pieces / Pour la / Flute traversiere, Flute / a bec, Violons et Haut-bois / Avec la Basse continuë. / composé / par M.r Philidor Fils Aîné...“, downloaded from IMSLP /  Petrucci Music Library. The ancient edition does not contain errors except some inaccuracy in figured bass and in accidentals. Any intervention of the editor is included in brackets.
Sample — 370x
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Release notes: 
Version 1.0 has been published on March 24, 2010. Version 1.5, with a new editorial format and a revision of figured bass, has been published on April 28, 2013.