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Sinfonia avanti la Serenata "Il Damone"

The sources are two ms. of the score from Serenata “Il Damone”: ms. TO026518600, Biblioteca Universitaria di Torino - Fondo Foà Giordano. In 7 parts and ms. Mus. MO0089, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria di Modena, with caption title: “Dodici Sinfonie a più , con B. C.”. The Modena “Sinfonia” has caption title: “Prima Sinf.a Grossa del Concerto delle Viole con le parti del Concertino Replicate”. This second ms. has a shorter first movement and a second completely different movement in 3/8.
Sample — 429x
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Release notes: 
Version 1.1