Concerto per Violino, Organo, Violoncello e Oboe [RV 554] - Version 2.1 for practical performance
Source of Concerto RV 554 is the autograph ms. of the score, Fondo Foà, Volume 29 (p. 255r-276v), Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino. Caption title, upper side: „ Con[cer]to p[er] Viol[in]o Organo et Hautbois / ò pure 2 Violini et Hautbois / del Vivaldi “, and, lower side: “Vio[loncel]lo Questo Bas: Volendo cambiare l’Oboè in Violoncello”. The version 2.1, published in collaboration with Heinz Waldmann, interprets Vivaldi's instructions to copyists and is therefore more suitable for practical performance.

Sunday, August 21, 2022
Release notes:
Version 2.1
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Vivaldi - Concerto: Violino, Organo, Violoncello e Oboe [RV 554]