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Concerto VI in Sol maggiore da “La Cetra”

The source of Concerto VI in G major S.D941, from a collection of six concertos “La Cetra”, is the printed edition of separate parts, Augsburg, Staats- und Stadsbibliothek (D-As), 1738 ca. - Augsburg: Johann Christian Leopold, RISM ID no.: 990039167. Caption title: “LA CETRA | CONCERTI | DI ESTERIO STINFALICO | Academico Arcade. | PARTE PRIMA. | . . . Publicati / DA GIOVANNI CHRISTIANO LEOPOLD. | IN AUGUSTA. | Cum Gratia, et Privilegio Sacrae Caesarae Majestatis.”
Sample page — 107x
Thursday, October 13, 2022
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Version 1.0