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Concerto a 5 in Re maggiore Op. I n. 1

The source of “Concerto” in D major Op. I/1, SelM C785, is the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca nazionale Marciana - Venezia - IT- VE0049, ARM0014772, f. 2r-7r. Caption title: “Concerti a cinque con Violino solo e Violoncello obbligato / Opera Prima / di Benedetto Marcello nob. ven. dilettante di contrappunto / stampata da Gius. Sala in Venezia nel 1708, e dedicata dall'autore all' ed sign. Paolina Zenobio Donado / Copia tratta fedelmente dalla stampa”.
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Thursday, November 26, 2020
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Version 1.0

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Unfortunately the violation of ND clause is becoming too frequent. For this reason we have been obliged to remove the opportunity of publishing midi files. Sorry for this inconvenient, due to a minority of subscribers not respecting the rules of the site.

Due to the risk of violation of ND (NoDerivatives) clause of CC License 4.0, all machine-readable files like midi files will no longer be available for download.

is there a way to get midi files and how or is it definitively impossible ? Too Bad