Aria „Son da più venti legno percosso“ per Basso con strumenti [ZWV 176/8]
The main source is a ms. of the score collecting eight „Arie italiane“ ZWV 176 (Mus.2358-I-1, RISM ID no. 211010941) entitled: „Alcune Arie, | Cavata dalle diverse Opere, | posto in Musica | ed | Alle Loro Maeste Reali | di Polonia e Lituan etc: | Elet: di Sassonia [added by 2nd hand:] umillissimamente offerite | [by 1st hand:] da | Giovanni Disma Zelenka. | No: Io. | Anno 1733 a i 24 Ottob:”. The last air of the collection is: “Son da più venti legno percosso”, Mus.2358-J-1, RISM ID no.: 211010949. A second source includes only the violin 2 and viola parts, (Mus. 2358-I-1a, RISM ID no. 211010950). Both manuscripts are online available at Dresden, (Dresden, (D-Dl)).

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
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Version 1.0
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