Sammartini, Giuseppe (1695 - 1750)

Source of Concerto Grosso in g minor no. VI, op. V is a printed edition of separate parts by I. Walsh, London, 1747, available at Internet Archive ( Caption title: “Concerti Grossi a due Violini, Viole, e Violoncello obligati con due altri Violini, e Basso di Ripieno ... Questi Concerti sono composti dalle Sonate a due Violini e Basso dell Opera III”.

The main source is the manuscript of the score Mus. 2763-O-2,1, RISM ID no.: 212001365. Other two sources are available: a collection of separate parts (without the oboe part), Mus. 2763-O-2a, RISM ID no.: 212001364 and a second score, Mus.2763-O-2,2, RISM ID no.: 212001369. All sources are online available at Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB, Dresden.

The source is the manuscript of the score present in the digital collection Utile Dulci, Musik-och teater-biblioteket, Stockholm. This concerto is written for Soprano recorder in C, and its part, written in B major while other parts are in F major, was transposed to F major. Actually, the player may read the original recorder part like playing with an Alto recorder in F.

The source is the manuscript of the score Mus. 2763-O-5, Digitale Bibliothek, SLUB, Dresden.

The source is the printed edition of Opera I by Giuseppe Sammartini, published in London, 1736. The copy has been published by Spes, Firenze, Archivum Musicum – Flauto traversiere, n. 27.

The Concerto, dated between 1716 and 1730 and attributed to Giuseppe or Giovambattista Sammartini, is referred as GroF 2151 and VeiI SamG12. Source is a ms. of the score Mus. 2463-O-4, Digitale Bibliothek SLUB, Dresden. The ancient owner of the score was Johann Georg Pisendel. The Concerto was digitized in the project „Instrumentalmusik der Dresdner Hofkapelle“.

The source of the two sonatas is the manuscript of the score, digital collection ESM – Sibley Music Library, Musical Scores, University of Rochester Libraries. Reference and caption title: “Manuscript; various hands. Sibley Music Library accession no.: 406133.7 Di Giuseppe St. Martini. Sonatas à oboè solo con il basso. 18 sonatas à fluta traversier con il basso. 1 sonata à solo con il basso. Sonata à violino solo.”
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