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Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710 - 1736)

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Among the numerous sources available for the cantata "Luce degli occhi miei, PayP 110, I selected: 1) the manuscript of the score, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella – Napoli (segnatura: Cantate 219, identificativo T\CCU\MSM\0081725) and 2) the manuscript of the score of Cantata II of the Dres- den collection, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl), Mus. 3005-J-1, RISM id.: 212006350. The collection was chosen as reference source. The title of the collection is: “Quattro Cantate da Camere [!]. La prima per | Cimbalo, | e | Tre con varii Recitativi, Violini, e Violetta obbligato. | Giovan Battista Pergolese (!) | Raccolte | da | Gioacchino Bruno. | Contrabasso della Real Capella di Napoli | Per divertimento à Dilettanti di Musica | Opera Seconda | in Rame".

Version 1.0
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This version 2.0 of the cantata "Chi non ode e chi non vede", PayP 117, is based on the original 1738 printed edition available at: I-Fc - Firenze - Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Luigi Cherubini", B.335 (3).

Version 2.0
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Among the numerous sources available for the cantata "Chi non ode e chi non vede", PayP 117, at the Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella – Napoli and the Danmarks Digitale Nodebibliotek, was chosen as a reference the manuscript of the score of Cantata III of the Dresden collection, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) (D-Dl)), Mus. 3005-J-1, RISM id.: 212006350. The title of the collection is: “Quattro Cantate da Camere [!]. La prima per | Cimbalo, | e | Tre con varii Recitativi, Violini, e Violetta obbligato. | Giovan Battista Pergolese (!) | Raccolte | da | Gioacchino Bruno. | Contrabasso della Real Capella di Napoli | Per divertimento à Dilettanti di Musica | Opera Seconda | in Rame". I requested copy of the original printed edition available at: I-Fc - Firenze - Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Luigi Cherubini", B.335 (3). As soon as I receive this copy I will publish a new version of the cantata faithful to the original.

Version 1.0
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The sources of “L’Orfeo” are: a) manuscript of the score, Cantate {IT\ICCU\MSM\0081969), Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella – Napoli; b) printed edition of the score, Ricordi, Milano, 1853; c) manuscript of the score, misattributed to Durante, Danmarks Digitale Nodebibliotek; d) manuscript of the score, Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Dresden (D-Dl): Mus.3005-I-1 Nr.4.

Version 1.0
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The aria “Lieto così talvolta” is the concluding aria of the first act of the opera “Adriano in Siria” (1734). The source is a manuscript of the score, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica S. Pietro a Majella (I-Nc): Rari 7.5.19-20.

Version 1.0
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Source for “Concerto per Flauto solo” in D major is a ms. from Musik-och teaterbiblioteket, Stockholm, RISM ID no. 190023528.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
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Source is ms Aalholm-samlingen I,5 AccNr. mu9709.2965, The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Gronenfeld in “Flöten Konzerte bis 1850”, attributes this Concerto to J. A. Hasse. As a confirmation of this see the Hasse Concerto JAH271109 already published in this site. In any case it is a composition from “Naples School”.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
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Main source is a ms of the score dated after 1900, from Conservatorio di Musica San Pietro a Majella, Napoli. In the same Conservatorio there is an ancient copy of  the violin parts. Both sources are online available. The modern copy is quite different from the older one, not only on slurs and dynamics, but also in the development of parts.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.
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The source is a ms of the score, Royal Library of Sweden, caption title: „Concerto per il Flauto Solo / in G. . / a 4 Parte(sic)...“.

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.