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Concerto XI in Do maggiore

Source is a digitized copy of a printed edition of parts by Le Cène, Amsterdam, c. 1730: “CONCERTI A CINQUE / Con Violini, Oboè, Violetta, Violoncello / e Basso Continuo / Del (!) Signori / G. Valentini, A. Vivaldi, T. Albinoni, / F. M. Veracini, G. S.t Martin, / A. Marcello, G. Rampin, A. Predieri / Libro Secondo / A Amsterdam / Chez / Michel Charles Le Céne Libraire / N.o 433”. Concerto No. XI on one of the five concertos without opus number, already published by J. Roger in 1717/18, with multiple errors copied by Le Céne. For a detailed analysis look at Fabrizio Ammetto, „La produzione strumentale di Tomaso Albinoni (I) - I Concerti per violino senza numero d'opus“ Hortus Musicus N° 12 October-Dicember 2002. The edition is available at Digitale Bibliotek - Münchener Digitalisierung­zentrum ( 20734-2).
Sample — 494x
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Release notes: 
Version 1.0

News & Comments

Dear Mr. Bolognani: The Chester Baroque Orchestra is performing this Albinoni piece next weekend....Richard Maximoff, our director, has grown quite fond of it. We were wondering if there is any second violin part or alternate part for the second violin on the second and third movements. (I suggested that they go out into the audience and take drink orders, but he thought they should be playing!!!) thanks so much again for all your work putting these pieces up. Best, Joan Kiedes - Chester Baroque Orchestra, Chester NJ, USA

Version 1.0 was published on October 12, 2008. On November 26, 2013 it was published with a new editorial format.