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Concerto grosso n. XII Op. 3 "Pastorale per il Santissimo Natale"

The source of Concerto grosso Op. 3/XII is a 1718 edition in seven parts, online available at “Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna” (ID: 11707). In the preface the Author recommends that: “… questi concerti, benche si devono sonare con tutte le sette parti, e potendo ancora, raddoppiare le parti di rinforzo, niente dimeno per universale comodità si possono ancora sonare à tre sole parti, cioè con li due Violini obligati, & il Basso Continuo…” (i. e. the concerto may also be played in trio with two violins and continuo).
Sample page — 386x
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Release notes: 
Version 1.1

News & Comments

The version 1.1, correcting a mistake in the ancient edition (bass, 1st mov., bar 31, last quarter, D natural instead of D sharp), and with a new editorial format has been published on February 13, 2017. Thanks to Hasegawa Hiromu for notification.

<p>Thank you dear Mario! We love the Manfredini! It is so smooth and are the hero!</p>