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Aria "Confusa smarrita" per Soprano, con 2 Violini, 2 Flauti traversieri, Viola e Basso

The aria is included in the third Act of “Catone in Utica”. First performance: Napoli, Teatro San Carlo, 1761. Sources are: 1. a mss. of the score included in the collection: ““Overtura / Arie tutte del Catone in Utica / del Dig. D. Giovanni Bach”, IT\ICCU\MSM\ 0155083, Biblioteca del Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella (I-NC); 2. a mss. of the score Mss. 2556, Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma (I-Rc). Caption title: “Aria del Sig.r Bach”.
Sample page — 536x
Friday, September 22, 2017
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Version 1.0