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2 Sinfonie a 6 in Re maggiore per Violini, Cornetti, e Bassi

The sources are two different copies, named "Sinfonia" and "Sonata", of the same music: ms. TO0265419, Biblioteca Universitaria di Torino - Fondo Foà Giordano, orchestrated with Violini and Cornetti and ms Mus. MO0089, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria di Modena, with the header “Dodici Sinfonie a più , con B. C.”. The Modena Sinfonia has the caption title “[Sinfonia n.] 1. Violini e Bassi, a Due Concertini Distinti”, and it refers to the first number of this publication. The Torino Sonata has the caption title “Sonata à 4 Due Violini, e Due Cornetti divisi in due Chori”, and it refers to the second number of this publication.
Sample — 334x
Monday, January 7, 2013
Release notes: 
The present edition (version 2.0) includes, in a renewed editorial format and with a few corrections, the Modena “Sinfonia a 6” already published as version 1.1 on January 4, 2007 and the Torino “Sonata a 4” published as version 1.0 on October 19, 2007.