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Concerto per la Solennità di San Lorenzo [RV 562]

The source of „Concerto per la Solennità di San Lorenzo“ is a ms. of parts Mus.2389-O-94 trascribed by Pisendel (1716-17) available at the digital library SLUB, Dresden, Rism A/II-212000216.
Sample — 364x
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Release notes: 
Version 1.1 correcting a few editorial errors.

News & Comments

Publication of version 1.1, correcting a few editorial errors.

Understood that this might be an exact urtext transcription and you may not therefore wish to change anything, however:- Several instruments are marked tacet but have notes to play. The score has one flat in the key signature but the parts have 2 sharps. The violino concertante part is unhelpfully beamed in places.