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Concerto grosso n. VIII Op. 6, fatto per la Notte di Natale

Source is the printed edition of Estienne Roger, Amsterdam, N° 197 [1712]: “CONCERTI GROSSI / Con duoi Violini e Violoncello di Concertino obligati e duoi / altri Violini, Viola e Basso di Concerto Grosso ad arbitrio / che si potranno radoppiare;/.../ da ARCANGELO CORELLI DA FUSIGNANO/ OPERA SESTA. PARTE PRIMA...”, available at Giedde’s collection, Copenhagen Royal Library.
Sample — 617x
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Release notes: 
Version 2.0

News & Comments

Viola part uploaded. Thanks for notification.

Hello, thank you for this huge work. Isn't the viola part in this concerto missing ? Thanks.

<p>Publication of version 2.0 in a new editorial format.</p>