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Concerto per Clavicembalo, Oboe obbligato, Archi e Basso [KWV 204]

The edition is a transcription from separate parts ( 12027, Rism Id no. 452024283), online available at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung (D-B). Caption title: “Concerto. | per il | Clavicembalo | Oboe oblig: | 2 Violini | Viola | e | Basso. | del Sigr: Giov: Lodov: Krebs.”. The manuscript includes mistakes, with the usual incoherencies or omissions of slurs and accidentals. In addition, the number of measures of the parts is different from that of cembalo part, especially for the third movement. This transcription tries to represent the original text, except for the violin clef in place of soprano clef for the cembalo right hand. All editorial suggestions are in parentheses or with dashed lines. The empty measures in the third movement are required in order to adapt the length of parts to the number of measures of the cembalo.
Sample page — 346x
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Release notes: 
Version 1.0

News & Comments

I have been obliged to cut some measures of the oboe part in the 3rd movement, since the number of measures of this part is higher than that of Cembalo part. If anyone has better ideas for fitting parts different in size into the score, I am ready to change my mind.

Dear Mario, than so much you for your work! I found some blanks in the Oboe part of this concerto - approximately starting from bar 75 of the 3rd movement. Several bars does not contains anything - even rests. Comparing them to manuscript shows that some passages were missed.

The number of measures of the parts is different from that of cembalo part, especially for the third movement. The empty measures in the third movement are required in order to adapt the length of parts to the number of measures of the cembalo.