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Locatelli, Pietro Antonio (1695 - 1764)

Sample page — 331x

The main source of Concerto III is a printed edition of eight separate parts by M. C. Le Cène (Amsterdam), 1735, VM7-1685. Caption title: „Opera quarta / Parte Prima / VI. Introduttioni teatrali / Parte Seconda / VI Concerti...“, online available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris. A second source ia a manuscript of parts available at SLUB, Dresden, Mus.2458-N-1, Rism Id: 212001606.

Version 1.0
Sample — 346x

Source of Concerto X is a printed edition of eight separate parts by M. C. Le Cène (Amsterdam), 1735, VM7-1685. Caption title: „Opera quarta / Parte Prima / VI. Introduttioni teatrali / Parte Seconda / VI Concerti...“, online available at the digital library Gallica, BNF, Paris.

Publication of version 1.0.
Sample — 469x

Source is a ms. of separate parts Mus. 2458-N-2a, SLUB Dresden: Digitale Bibliothek. The original label has a reference to „Sig. Hoffman“, but SLUB correctly attributes  Lamento to P. A. Locatelli [DunL 2.2].

Version 1.0 with a revised editorial format.